Dream and Reality

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-Tommy pov-
Tubbo: Tommy
Tubbo: Tommy
Tubbo: Tommy!

I open my eyes and I'm sitting on the bench with tubbo. How am I here? Wasnt I with techno?

Tubbo: TOMMY!

Tommy: ! What!? What? Um....tubbo?

Tubbo: Finally! There you are big man, I was calling you for what felt like ages! I was asking you which disc I should play

Tommy: Disc?

Tubbo: Yeah which one do you wanna play?

This isnt right. Something about this is wrong. I was with technoblade I know I was so why am i here!?


Suddenly the world went grey and froze leaving Tommy alone.

Wilbur: Tommy let's be the bad guys

Until it all circled down into a new memory that Tommy would have to re-live.

Tommy: What is going on!?

Wilbur: Tommy nobody is on our side! Tubbo, he would drop us the second he saw we weren't winning

Tommy: S-stop it! Tubbo is my friend!? *is he?*

Wilbur: I know why you are acting like this. Tommy your scared

Tommy: Stop it! I cant here this again! Your dead! I know your dead! I saw it happen right infront of me!

Suddenly the scene changes a sword plunges through wilburs chest from behind from Phil except this time Wilbur is facing Tommy and Tommy is up there with them. Tommy feels Wilburs blood on his face and stares as Wilbur shows him an insane smile while Philzas face is blurred away. Tommy's legs weaken and ge falls trying to escape this scene by crawling away only to be taken to a new scene. A new memory.

Tubbo: I am so sorry

Tommy: No not this again

Tommy gets up and grabs Tubbos shoulders making him face him as he talks

Tommy: Tubbo listen to me! You dont need to do this! Please Tubbo you dont understand what this means! Please PLEASE believe me!

Tubbo: It would be in L'manburgs best interest if Tommy were to be............exiled

His heart shattered after hearing those words and suddenly as if Tubbos words were the trigger, Tommy could feel a pull on him forcing him away from his home and friends and no matter how much he screamed and cried, he couldnt fight the pull. Tommy was now in another memory. Exile.

Dream: Tommy put your stuff in the hole

Tommy: nononononononononononononononono

Dream: Tommy do you really think they were your friends?

Tommy: This cant be happening

Dream: Tubbo only showed up when you were gone

Tommy: Please no

Dream: They seem pretty happy your gone

Tommy: Someone please save me

Dream: Tubbo burned the compass

Tommy: Please help me

Dream: Your not allowed back

Tommy: HELP ME!!!!!

The world then shattered around him bringing him somewhere new. He got up and looked around at his new surroundings. This place.....it was new but also familiar. Like he always new place and explored it already. The void around him was back but not empty. The floor was a reflection of everything above it and infront of him was a forest of green string. The green string was everywhere, slowly wrapping around the floating glowing orbs of this world. He wondered what these orbs were? Ignoring them he continued through the mess of green string. If he wasnt careful Tommy would get tangled in the string and he had a strong feeling that he should avoid that. When he reached what he thought was the center of all the string he stopped and looked around. It looked like all the string was being made here and spreading. Before he could reach out and touch he felt something pull him down making him land on the floor hard. He didnt see anyone around except his own reflection and there was no way he tripped when he was standing still. Tommy looked down again and saw that his reflection was no longer copying him anymore and starring at him with an intense look.

M Tommy:..........

Tommy: H-hello?

M Tommy:..........

Tommy: Were you the one who pulled me down?

M Tommy:............

Tommy: Where am I? And what's with all this string shit?

At the mention of the string M Tommy suddenly moved and lifted his hands through the floor and at Tommy, successfully waking him up from his mind and being greeted by techno.

Tommy has left something behind. Dont worry.....

You'll see it again soon

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