Centuries passed.
Right after leaving the team, Talen made her way through neighboring towns for numerous decades. She watched as humanity evolved and changed. She fought in wars, served in armies, lived countless lives.
Talen fell in love, broke hearts, and got heartbroken. She went to school, stuffing her brain full with as much knowledge as she could. That was her favorite thing, to learn. She may have been present for the events they were teaching so in the end it was pointless, but Talen whole-heartedly believed that knowledge was a superpower. Knowledge was more important than any of her powers. It would expand the abilities of regular humans, prevent war.
She now resided in a group home in Queens in the year 2016, and did not hide her powers. Not really. Every night, while the Matron (Kerry Howard) slept, Talen snuck out of her window and defended the streets of New York. And she did it alone, for a while.
Until, a new guy showed up.
And boy, did this guy get on her nerves. He always stole the fights from her, whether he knew it or not, and he wore a red and blue get up that didn't seem functional. If he wanted to be stealthy, he'd wear black, like her. Talen's super-suit, she hated calling it that, was a form-fitting black catsuit that covered her arms and legs, and had a turtleneck. She also wore a protective black vest, with loads of pockets, over top along with two thigh holsters for guns and a black mask that covered half her face. In her mind, it screamed stealthy.
He also seemed to be very...sticky. He could climb up walls and shoot spider-webs from his wrists.
She never wanted to run into him, and managed not to for a good while. Until...
Talen was walking down the street without her mask on, and a coat over her top half to decrease suspicion from anyone walking by.
Her semi-peaceful night was then interrupted by a, you guessed it, brightly dressed guy swinging off buildings.
"Hey! Watch out!" He yelled. Talen's attention was brought to him, her head whipping up as he swung at her, not being able to stop. But, she couldn't move in time, and he slammed into her, both of them falling to the ground.
"I am so sorry! A- I- Y- Are you okay?" The boy asks, lending a hand to Talen.
"Yeah, what the hell dude?" She takes his hand.
"I'm sorry, I lost control of my webs and before I knew it I was swinging right at you and you didn't year me yelling in time-"
"Slow down!" She grabbed his shoulders to get him to focus.
He took a deep breath before continuing again. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah."
The two stood there for a split second before sirens broke the silence, grabbing their attention.
"I gotta-"
"Yeah me too."
"See you around!"
Talen waited until the boy swung away to shed the coat and put on her mask. She ran in the same direction the boy was swinging, seeing where he stopped (roof of an apartment building) to know the location of the incident.
She ran, and ran, and ran to the roof to observe, then fight.
"Spider-Man? I thought you would have gone down there." She commented upon her arrival. The same guy from earlier was facing the street.
He was startled, and quickly turned to face her.
"You! From the street! What are you doing here?" He walked toward her.
"W- I came to see what the sirens were about, and hopefully fight somebody." She shrugged.
"Oh, it was just an old lady who got locked out of her apartment. I don't know why they had the sirens." Spider-Man shrugged. "Wait- why were you going to fight someone? You're just a girl."
"Just a girl?" Talen glared at him, crossing her arms.
"Oh, I didn't mean- W- You- You don't look- I'm sorry. That's not what I meant."
"So what did you mean, Spider-Man?" A smirk played on her lips.
"I meant you don't look like you have superpowers, so how would you fight someone?"
"How do you know I don't have powers?"
"...I don't?"
"And, if I didn't, you do know I could still fight crime with no powers? Black Widow and Hawkeye do it every day."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"But, I suppose living with this," she made a motion, like pushing off from the ground, and gold energy shot out and propelled her in the air where she stayed for a few seconds before coming back down. "kinda warrants crime-fighting, don't you think?"
"Holy shit! You- You can fly! This is so crazy, oh my god! Ho-How can you do that?"
"I guess I was just born with it." Talen shrugged. She decided to save her real identity for later. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad. "How did you get the uhhh...webs?"
"Bitten by a radioactive spider."
The boy seemed comfortable enough with Talen to remove his mask, despite her insisting that he didn't have to. But, boy was Talen glad he did. He was incredibly attractive to her. Even though he wasn't that tall, he still stood a good six inches above her. He had fluffy brown hair that slightly fell in his face and brown eyes that reflected the lights of New York like stars.
"I'm Peter." He stuck his hand for her to shake.
Talen felt it was only right for her to remove her mask before she shook his hand.
"I'm Talen."
sorry this one is short, and that it took me so long to get it out. i switched the idea i had so many times and couldn't continue one but i really like this one.
i hope everyone had a great time over the holidays and is staying safe!
also thank you for 500 reads, what? crazy.
luv yall.

REMEMBER ME; peter parker
Fanfiction"after all this time, you guys still remember me?" "we never forgot you." [CONTAINS ETERNALS SPOILERS] {peter parker x fem!eternal!oc}