That night, Talen and Peter sat on the rooftop of the random apartment building for hours. They talked about various things, from star wars to actual stars to Mr. Delmar's sandwiches. Peter learned that Talen had a wonderful aptitude for science, but was wasting it at a school that didn't care.
"You should totally enroll at Midtown! You'd fit in so well!"
"Peter, that school is too far from Howard House."
"Oh, I didn't know you lived there."
There was a beat of awkward silence, like there always was when Talen told someone she lived in a group home. They always felt pity, that this poor girl was alone in the world. Her parents died, or didn't love her, or were just shitty people. But they didn't know the reality, and they never would. Talen was sure that if she had parents, they wouldn't have left her.
"I can ask my aunt and see what she thinks we could do. I am getting you in that school, no matter what."
Peter's words were very encouraging, and Talen felt that she may get a change in her life for once. Maybe she wouldn't feel like an outcast and be able to fit in with people her age, and not old friends from past lifetimes that succumbed to old age.
. . .
Talen made it back to Howard House just before dawn the next day, a Saturday. Luckily, Matron didn't make the children get up early on the weekends and they didn't have to do chores. She wasn't evil.
She'd told Peter to meet her at Mr. Delmar's that afternoon to discuss Midtown. When she got there, he was waiting with two sandwiches.
"I didn't know what you liked, so I just got a BLT. I hope that's alright."
"That's perfect, Peter, thank you."
The two walked as they ate, not bothering to talk just yet. They passed the many children playing in parks and walking with parents, a few shady characters, like usual.
"Okay, so, I don't know much about the admissions process to Midtown, but I do know you have to take an exam, so I brought the study book." Peter reached into the bag strapped to his back and pulled out a small textbook.
"This is the study book?" Talen crinkled her face in disbelief.
"Yeah, sorry about that." He took a bite of his, very flat, sandwich before continuing. "Oh, also, my aunt wants to meet you."
"Your aunt? Why?"
"Well, she was curious why I was making such a mess of my room looking for that book so I explained that we met and you wanted to attend Midtown. She wants to meet the girl i was making such a mess of my room for and now she thinks you're this golden child that she must meet." Peter teased.
"You didn't tell her..." Talen motioned to her hands, but it took Peter a second to realize what she was talking about.
"Oh! No, no, no. I would never. Aunt May doesn't even know that I'm...strong and-and sticky."
. . .
Once they finished their sandwiches, Peter led Talen back to his apartment, both taking note of a very expensive car parked in front of the building.
"Are you sure about this, Peter? I mean you hardly know me, and I hardly know you and now I'm going to your apartment? That seems a little odd, don't you think?" Talen rambled as Peter unlocked the door.
"Talen, it's alright. I promise." Peter gave her a reassuring smile as he swung the door in. "Hey, May!"
"Hey!" A woman's voice responded. "How was your day today?"
"It was good! There's this crazy car parked outside and-" Peter stopped in his tracks as he noticed Tony Stark sitting on the couch next to his aunt, causing Talen to bump into him, again. Peter's aunt turned to face the two over the back of the couch.
"Oh, Mr. Parker." Tony calmly spoke.
"Um..Wh-Wha..What are you doing? Hey, I'm..I'm Peter."
"What are you doing here?"
Talen's eyes fluttered between Peter and Mr. Stark.
"It's about time we met. You've been getting my emails, right?" Tony ended his sentence with a wink that didn't go unnoticed by Talen or Peter.
"Yeah! Yeah, regarding the..."
"You didn't tell me about the grant."
"The September Foundation. Remember when you applied?"
"I approved, so now we're in business."
The conversation went on a little longer, not making room for a break to address Talen before Tony asked to speak to Peter alone.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, where are my manners? You must be the girl Peter was telling me about!" Peter's aunt turned to Talen when they left the room.
Talen's attention turned away from Peter's door and to his aunt.
"I'm May." She stuck her hand out.
"My name's Talen."
May seemed to process her name for a moment, before heading to the kitchen.
"Would you like something to drink, Talen? We have water, lemonade..."
"Uh, water's good." Talen felt a little awkward, being alone with May after just meeting her.
But, the awkwardness didn't last long, and May was interrupted when preparing two waters.
"Talen, could you come join us?" Tony asked, peaking his head out from the door. With no words, she entered Peter's small bedroom, standing awkwardly in the middle.
"So, Peter here tells me he's not the only rogue superhero in Queens." Talen's eyes widened at Tony's words and she quickly looked to Peter for assistance as Tony pulled up a video on his phone.
"I'm sorry! He asked if I knew who you were- well, who the superhero was."
Talen accepted that her identity was revealed. She watched the video.
"Yes, uh, that's me."
"Great- do you have a passport?" Talen had to think for a moment, she'd been so many places.
"Actually, I think I do."
"Wonderful, at least someone's prepared."
"I'm sorry, why do I need a passport?"
"Mr. Stark says we're going to Germany." Peter answered.
Germany? Talen came to Peter's apartment to meet May and study for the entrance exam, not travel overseas!
"Make sure you two are packed in," Tony checked his watch. "three days. I'll send a car to pick you up here."
And he left.
Peter and Talen sat and stared at each other for a few seconds with no idea what to say.
. . .
Talen stayed at Peter's apartment for a few more hours before making her way back to Howard House. It was nighttime, and despite the lowly-lit area of Queens she resided in, enough light from the city center shone to guide her home.
She climbed into her room in Howard House through the window and let sleep envelope her through the night.
ok i can finally watch eternals along with this story and i realize that the timeline is a little wonky so forgive me.
also a little bit of writer's block but we're working through it :)
i hope everyone is staying safe !

REMEMBER ME; peter parker
Fanfiction"after all this time, you guys still remember me?" "we never forgot you." [CONTAINS ETERNALS SPOILERS] {peter parker x fem!eternal!oc}