Talen didn't remember much of hat happened after Steve and Natasha arrived. Steve broke the cells with his shield and Natasha got her out of the straps and into the jet, where Bucky was. The others arrived soon after and Natasha flew the jet out as quickly as possible, now flying over the Atlantic.
"Alright, Steve. You gonna explain what the hell's going on?" Sam asked.
"I mean, it's pretty obvious he just broke us out, Sam." Clint groaned, placing an ice pack to a bruise he'd gotten randomly.
"Stark should've done more to get you guys out of there, and he was taking too long. So, I took matters into my own hand-"
Nat coughed.
"We took matters into our hands. But, now we are all even bigger criminals than we were before. It's dangerous for us to be all together, and I understand if you want to split up."
Only Scott spoke up.
"Look, Steve. I've got a kid. I know if I go back to California, I'll be arrested, but at least I'll be able to know she's okay. I gotta go back."
Steve only nodded.
. . .
Scott told the others that he could find his way back to the States, so they dropped him off in a random town in England. The rest flew to Wakanda where Bucky was going to stay for a while, per his request.
After dropping him off, the remaining members discussed the best course of option.
"No, Ireland's too populated."
"What about Bulgaria?"
"Bulgaria. It's right," Talen pointed on the map. "here."
"I'm with her." Natasha agreed.
"I don't speak Bulgarian."
"I do." Both Natasha and Talen remarked, looking at each other in surprise.
. . .
They were going to Bulgaria. Specifically, Varna. It was a fairly populated city where the team could stay pretty hidden. Natasha took on the responsibility of securing new identities for the team.
"Melina Ivanova? Where'd you pull that one from?" Talen asked once Natasha handed her the new ID.
"I...knew someone named Melina."
Everyone dressed in their different disguises, making sure their new identification was secure in their wallets. Talen had dyed her hair from its original dark brown to a red similar to Natasha's, and Natasha was planning on dying hers soon.
Natasha told everyone she had contacted someone from her past to set the group up with a place to live.
"Rick!" Natasha shouted at a dark-skinned man not far from where they'd walked to.
"Natasha, good to see you." He welcomed her in an embrace.
Rick then took the group to a large apartment in a nearby building. Talen wasn't exactly sure how he was able to snag this, but boy was she thankful.
. . .
The next few months were mainly spent holed up in the apartment, ordering takeout or doing grocery trips every other week. It was safe to say that Talen was extremely bored. Her and Steve had played enough Uno and she was sick of it.
There were upsides to Bulgaria. She didn't get to stay very long when she was there last, so she got to see more of the city. Granted, only a little bit at a time but still, more than last time. She got to increase her proficiency in Bulgarian, which was a little rusty but passable. And, the food was to die for. Her favorite was what she made for breakfast almost every morning, мекица, or Mekitsa, a soft dough she topped with either icing sugar or jam and cheese.
But, as everything eventually does, it got repetitive and boring. Luckily, the team was ready to leave this spot. Supposedly, Natasha had spotted some people tailing her a few days prior, so they were now headed to London to hopefully shake them.
. . .
Talen's new identity was Marguerite Downs. Rick had set them up with, yet another, nice apartment (how does he do that?). The following week was just the team getting settled in and used to the new place.
Until, it was Talen's turn for the grocery run. She'd procrastinated, of course, and wasn't on her way back until it was dark. The ground began shaking and she heard people screaming as she walked out of the supermarket.
That day, walking out onto that street, was the moment everything she'd done was erased. All the achievements she'd made in her life, everything she was told she was built for, gone. She was back at square one because a Deviant was running loose on the streets of London.
"Shit!" She yelled, throwing her bags on the ground. Talen began urging everyone to stay inside the store until it was safe and began making her way towards the monster.
The next thing she definitely didn't expect to see was Sersi on the street. Well, fifty Sersi-s.
"What the hell?" Talen stopped in her tracks, hiding behind a car.
"It knows where we are!" Talen heard Sprite's voice before she fell on the ground. Talen sprung to her feet, not caring if the two saw her, but couldn't make it to the Deviant before it was slammed into a random wall. Some random man came to help Sprite up as two laser beams fired from within the rubble, shooting the Deviant back into the street.
Then, Ikaris emerged as well.
"This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it." Talen sighed. The random man who'd helped Sprite up had noticed her and started making his way over.
"What are you doing over here? It's not safe, you need to go home." He shouted, drawing the attention of the other three Eternals before Talen could tell him to shut up.
Sersi turned her head first, her brain not believing what her eyes were seeing.
"Talen? Is that you?"
Talen couldn't smile. She could hardly hold eye contact with the woman after what had happened all those years ago. She may have told herself she was over it, but burying your emotions only delays the reaction. She didn't let herself grieve, or process the events properly, and returning to her old suit, using her powers, seeing a Deviant, and reuniting with three Eternals was bringing it all back.
"What are you doing here?"
"We thought you died."
She sighed. "Clearly I'm very much alive, thank you." She stared at them, repeating over and over in her head to not cry. She could never show emotion around them again. She had to prove her worth.
"I'm assuming you're another Eternal?" The random man asked.
"No. I'm not, and I never was." Talen couldn't stand being around them any longer, and headed back to the supermarket for her bags. The shoppers inside had been escorted out by police.
. . .
The walk back to the apartment was miserable. Talen let her emotions flow for the first time in a very long time.
When she arrived back, the other four members were waiting anxiously by the door.
"We heard about the attack."
"A monster?"
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, a monster. Physically, I'm fine."
"It sounds like there's a 'but' coming," Nat furrowed her eyebrows.
"I have a lot I need to tell you guys, you may wanna sit down."
. . .
I'm sorry for the time skips I had no idea what to write ugh
also, very sorry for the wait. major writer's block (like usual), and I was out of town for a few days.
onto the next

REMEMBER ME; peter parker
Fanfic"after all this time, you guys still remember me?" "we never forgot you." [CONTAINS ETERNALS SPOILERS] {peter parker x fem!eternal!oc}