Ch 1 : New Moon

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"Everything underlined is Japanese"
[brackets is ASL]
"This is english"


"Hello? Miss? Are you alright?"
Blue and purple eyes blinked at the bright sun behind the silhouette of a teen boy. A familiar silhouette with a familiar voice. Green checkers. Tanjiro.
Forcing herself to sit up she looked around. Fields of grass surrounds Her black messenger bag rest beside her.
"Hello. Good morning?" She look closer to the location of the sun "sorry, noon."
"Sorry? I don't understand."
She wondered if she could teach him ASL, also time to use her limited knowledge of the Japanese language.
"Alpha." She pointed to myself
"Ah! Tanjiro. Kamado Tanjiro!" He gave a shy slanted smile
Alpha pushed herself up, looking at him. He is 15 at least, she says that mainly because his crow is repeating "Asakusa". Which means that he is still pretty early into his journey.
"You are foreign right? Would you like to follow me to the city?"
His little awkward movements in this game of charades is pretty adorable. It is mainly him flapping his arms around trying to convey his words.
"Yes foreign. City. Follow."
He grabbed her hand and started to walk her to Asakusa

How did I get here again?
That's right I died. Understandable. Wait, this waist bag is new. Why do I feel so happy with it on? I'll think about it later.

As they walked they started to teach each other bits of different languages. Alpha taught him bits of English and lots of ASL and Tanjiro taught her Japanese phrases. Well retaught her some phrases.
Fuck her shitty memory.
They walked till dusk and when it was dark enough, his sister came out from the box. She nearly fell out because he didn't notice that she wanted out and she kicked the door open. The panic he must have felt in that moment.
I would too if I was wrapped up in learning new things, foreign things, then forgetting that my sister is in a box on my back. And I can't explain why my sister is in a box on my back. With a muzzle on. With the ability to grow and shrink.
She replied to Alpha's hum
"Ummm, this is my sist- Nezuko! That's rude!"
Said sister clambered into Alpha's arms to Tanjiro's embarrassment. His face red as he tugged at her haori, trying to get her off the taller teen. All that did was make her cling harder to Alpha.
"I'm sorr-"
"It's ok. It's fine."
Her hands clung to the fabric of Alpha's tank top, pulling the collar down a bit. Snuggling into the crook of her neck, Nezuko got comfortable in her arms.
"Sorry about that. She normally isn't like this." He rubbed the back of his head
"She's your sister right? She's cute"
"Thank you!" He pat her head and they continued to walk. Alpha did eventually put Nezuko down after some time, right when the city was within eyesight.
Tanjiro is suffering from major culture shock. He did come from rural areas after all. He held onto Nezuko's hand and Alpha onto his other hand, leading them through the bright streets. Taking care to not go into the alley with the couple, she followed the little path Tanjiro took to the Udon stand outside the brighter parts of the city.
"T-two bowls of Udon, please."
Dropping her main bag, Alpha calmly sat down on the bench as Tanjro withered against her taller frame. Nezuko, content with the location, slept sitting up.
[I will pay you back later] She signed to Tanjiro, who gave a weak nod
"I guess you are used to the city?" He handed Alpha her bowl, who took it with her left hand
[Yes. Thank you] she happily enjoyed the noodles.

Tanjiro pov :

He looked over at Alpha. She pulled her face mask off, letting it hang from one ear. A soft smile stretched across her lips. She ate her udon, making happy humming sounds. Not very proper in eating, but clearly enjoying the food handed to her.
He can smell the happiness from her. Her scent is soft, but with a sharp edge. Willow, Tansy, Lotus, Lavender, and Holly. Spider Lilly being an undertone.
I don't know much about flowers, but I do know that there is a flower language. Spider Lilies are associated with death and that is the most I know about flowers. But the scent of happiness still shown through.
He drank some of the broth, looking at her. Her black hair is cut in a rough way(his poor attempt at describing a wolfcut). Front parts rounder and point towards her face, but the back point out, like a bird's tail. Pale skin flushed at the running they did earlier. Eyes going from a dark blue to a light purple.
This is the first time I really got to look at her clearly. He realized
Her clothes are odd, clearly foreign, but her haori? No, jacket, is the most odd. It is oversized, has a lot of pockets, but clearly warm. The material is somewhat hard, shines, and makes a weird sound when it rubs against itself.
Her sleeves pushed up past her elbows, let him see the gloves. The longer one seems to apply pressure on her arms, a small strap seems to tighten and hold the glove in place. The smaller one seems to give her knuckles padding.
The amount of bags she had was also a bit weird. But considering that she is foreign, that is all the sense he can make from her.
I can only guess that she was born in China and lives in America, from what little English I can understand.
She was kind to me, to Nezuko. She was calm even when Nezuko pulled her shirt down, laughing it off even. She helped me navigate the city when she could have left anytime. There is a sense of family from her.

Alpha pov :
Given that there is time, she started taking time to think back to how she got here. Now that she literally have food for thought, things are starting to come back.

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