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Zanise: You can go to my house sometimes if you feel alone.

Johnny: Alright, so glad to meet you again.

Zanise: You too, John. *smiles softly*

Zanise: Alright, bye John I need to go because they'll be worried about me.

Johnny: Alright, but wait.

Zanise's POV: I turn my head to him in a confused face.

Johnny: Uhh... well maybe I can uhh... know your number...?

Zanise's POV: He then took in his pocket a paper and pen, so he could write it.

Zanise: Yeah sure, it's 980-213-654 (Just a random number)

Zanise: I need to go now.

Johnny: Alright b-bye.

Zanise's POV: I go to my house and got to our TV, to watch some gaming.


Johnny's POV: I just met a girl earlier she's so cute and my mind is telling me that she is the girl I met in my childhood, but I'm not sure if it's her, I just came back to my house.


Zanise's POV: I was in my house now and see my worried Mom.

Rose: Oh! Zanise are you okay? did someone bully you at school?

Zanise: No, that's not the reason.

Zanise: Just I'm a little worried about Papa and Dad.

Rose: Why is it? 

Zanise: *doesn't respond*

Rose: Hey, come on tell me...

Zanise: Just- maybe they will get abused again...

Rose: No, that's not true sweetie, they are free now...

Zanise: I-I guess your right Mom. *Cries*

Rose: Hey, don't cry... that was just the past...

Zanise's POV: Mom rubs my tears away from my eyes (My English is bad now) and hugs me, rubbing my back, then Papa and Dad came here, then Papa shouts.

Daniel: OMG is our little "Crystals" okay?

Zanise: *sniffs* I'm alright, Papa.

Daniel: What happened, Rose'y?

Rose: She's worried because of you guys...

Zach: Why is that, Zan?

Zanise: Just... maybe you'll get abused again...

Daniel: Shh shh *hugs Zanise*

Zanise's POV: Papa whispered over my ear, "Everything's alright now Nise, you don't need to worry about our management again... like your Ate Irish... she used to worry about your Dad a couple of years ago when our management is a disaster... but it's alright now..."

Zanise: I love you, Papa sm!

Daniel: I love you too, sweetie.

Zanise: Anyways, I met a new friend today.

Daniel: Oh, who is it Zan?

Zanise: Well it's a he.

Zach: Another boy?!

Rose: Calm down, hun.

Zach: *Deep breaths* 

Zach: Alright, what's his name?

Zanise: It's Johnny.

Zach: Hmmm it kinda reminds me of your childhood friend.

Zanise: Huh? 

Zach: Oh nothing, sweetie.

Zanise's POV: Someone texted me from my number, IDK who it is maybe it's Johnny, I check my cellphone and said-

Zanise: Mom, Dad, Papa I'll just go to my bedroom.

Daniel: Alright, sweetie.


*With Zanise*

Zanise's POV: I got to my room, and got a random text.

Abused by our manager (A Fanfic abt Why Don't We) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now