The Naked Question:How Did you fight this urge?

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Teren! Sorry to disappoint you but this is not a love story. But not to waste your effort on opening it,I would recommend a love story book,these are Ratio of Love:1 is to 4,Internal Hell and Pious but Evil.

I will give the details of these books so that you will not waste your time again to check it out.

Ratio of Love:1 is to 4- is a story of a man who married 4 wives but only loved one woman.

Pious but Evil-is a story of a handsome soldier who was assigned to interrogate an alleged fragile terrorist girl who was sentenced to death.This man would be put in a difficult dilemma when his heart and mind started to contradict each other.

Internal Hell-is a story of a gorgeous doctor who had a dark past and was forcefully tasked to cure an insane woman. The conflict would start when he would find out that the crazy woman who was suffering from internal hell was connected to his dark past.

This little book is dedicated to those Muslim girls who labeled themselves as "a walking sin".This is for the good girls gone bad,those who fell to the pit of lust and drowned by the white sea.

I am not a Muslim scholar but some knowledge I wrote here were recycled from the videos I watched from those great men of Islamic knowledge.

I came up with this book because I found our sisters posting their dilemma everywhere about this taboo topic. So instead of asking the popular but nonsense site,the internet,the cool but baseless site,ask the authentic site instead.Watch the Islamic lecture instead.Read the Qur-an instead.

We are asking our question in the wrong place and in the wrong people.

Below are links that you can visit to answer your fatal dilemma.

Is masturbation makruh or haram

How to curb your sexual desire if you can't marry?

🔥 to stop sexual thoughts-IlovUAllah

The destroyer of haram desires

-Effects of pornography

🔥 "Sexual Desires - Nouman Ali Khan - Quran Weekly" on YouTube

🔥 haram temptations

The videos of the above links will be posted in every chapter

Before you tempt yourself to open the steamy stories in your library, take a bite first of this little book of mine.And watch first the recommended links.Believe me it will "turn on" the lights of Jannah and turn off the fire of hell for you.

This book is just a reminder,and a reminder "benefits the believer".The most pitiful people are those who turned away from reminders or signs and forgot the meeting with their Lord.

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