Naked Word:An old fashion religion

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People said that this filthy word"master birthing" is taboo in Islam.
It is , but doesn't mean it didn't tackle in Islam,remember the holy book? The Qur-an? Created by the perfect Creator? Where the science was written there? Do you think this filthy word will be neglected? I mean come on we are talking about the perfect Creator here,the Whole One who made us all,the One who gives and takes life,the One who punishes and forgives.He wouldn't forget to tell you about Zina.

It started from lowering your gaze,and you would say if I lower my gaze I couldn't see the person's face,it's bad manners,and the others say , I might bump into someone or something if I lower my gaze. So you use it's literal meaning,lowering your gaze means to control what you see,to put limitation to your vision but not to be blind.When you are talking to opposite gender,okay look at the woman,just her face,don't let your eyes roam around. Okay what about when you are in public place? talking about bumping,of course you are allowed to look ahead,but after you know whose behind you,whose after you,whose ahead of you,that's already enough,stop gluing your eyes to the hot vixen and following her every move because she is sexy.See Islam is not complicated as you thought it is,it's just your mind who made it complicated.

But hey! we are talking about master birthing,why I am talking about Zina?
I started this chapter with the famous line to among muslims."to lower your gaze".Allowing yourself to see filthy act,is zina in the eyes,allowing yourself to talk the filthy words is zina in the mouth and allowing yourself to think that filthy scene is Zina in the brain. So Islam reminds us before it gets uncontrollable,stay away from it.Shaitan is patient,like roots that will slowly creep to the soil,it will slowly grow inside your heart,until it will make you numb,numb on remembrance of Allah.So don't let shaitan enter your soul.Don't give him access to your thoughts.The slave of his desire,is the slave of shaitan.You are not living according to what you want,you are living according to what shaitan wants.

Hadith about Zina:

A man approached the prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

"Ya Rasulullah I fall into haram,my eyes committed zina,my hands committed zina"

Our Rasul said:
"Did you committed the actual zina?"

And the man said:
"Ya Rasulullah my eyes committed zina,my hands committed zina"

Our Rasul said:
"Did you do what a husband does with his wife?"

And the man said:

Our Rasul said:
"Go and pray and do good deeds it'll wipe it away"

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