Naked Curtain: Think about death

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You know we came into this world with the help of our creator and we are being trusted to one clan.The so called family,so we are not really alone the first time we came here.

The first time we opened our eyes we saw an unknown man who was smiling at us,an unknown woman who was crying after she delivered us,and the unknown boys and girls who were excited to see us. They are our loved ones, one old man says in the best series "death is not for the one who died,it is for the one who remained alive".

When we leave our loved ones, we will going to face the grave and that is our battle alone. But what about the battle of the one we left behind? Even we died in a good death they still mourn. What if we died as transgressors? They will not be happy to see us leaving,they already betting that we will be punished inside the grave and that what makes them grieve even more for us.They will start blaming themselves because when they saw you astray they just look at you they didn't pull you away. And that was their greatest regret that they would be carrying for so long.

Losing a loved one,was like a large piece of your soul had been ruthlessly and recklessly cut from you and the pain? It was like you wanted to get your heart inside your rib cage and put it on the floor for a while and let it bleed there ,because if it stays inside, you will feel the torture of pain. Even when the days passed the pain was still there,but you need to keep going and continue to live, but your heart will never be whole.You just accepted the fact that you will never be whole again.

So don't be selfish helping yourself is also helping your loved ones.You will leave without a warning don't even make it hard for them to accept that. Don't feed your mind with indecent thoughts or those heavenly pleasure. Give your soul what she deserves.

Rumi said," a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind" it is, if you are able to repent before you died but it is a curtain to hell if you died while masturbating(astagfirullah). Don't aim for the paradise of this world,aim for the eternal paradise.No one knows if you are going to hell or not but make an effort and struggle to do good deeds,so that when you lift up the curtain you will see the beauty of paradise.

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