Naked belief:This is my life!

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YOLO. You only live once,own it! live it.Are you familiar with these lines? An empowerment to lose ourselves to our desire.Following our desire is easy, but repelling it is difficult. That's why you will say I will live my life to the fullest.Some will say,this is my life.

I will do want I want.I will wear this,I will drink this.Nobody can stop me.It feels so wrong but feel so good to be a bad girl.When you realize you only live once,you will try to do everything you want.But then again as stated in the holy Qur-an,the enjoyment in this life is just little compared to the enjoyment in the hereafter.

Letting yourself do what she wanted to do is not self-love, it is self-destruction.Because even if you are carrying that body,you didn't fully know her.The truth is only Allah knows what we conceal and what we declare.What you thought was good for her might be bad for her.What you thought that could make her happy in the present might be her punishment in the future.So if you really love yourself, you will ready her soul and her body for the eternal life.You will prepare for her plenty of good deeds, so that she will not be burned together with the pillars or with other stones.If you read the holy Qur'an,it says there (if my memory serves me right),the fuels of hell fire are human and stones.

Okay let's clear it. First you created from clot,you know a coagulated blood, that's clot,and then Allah breathed in to you and gave you your soul. I repeat, He gave you a soul.You are not the one who molded yourself from clay,you are not the one who put your soul to your body. This is part of revelation,when the surah Al-alaq(the clot) revealed.This was the part where angel Jibril when to our beloved Rasul and ask him to read the Qur'an.

See? Your life is not yours,you can't even withhold it when it reaches its qadr. Your life is not yours,so don't own it. You are here to plant good deeds,you are here to work hard to earn Allah's mercy, you are here because of the divine purpose. Our prophet Adam(pbuh) was supposedly in paradise but he transgressed because he followed his desire.Our prophet Adam(A.S) already repented and brought back to paradise again after he died. Since we are created from Adam we need to follow his footsteps in pleasing Allah, we need to do also the good deeds he did to earn the forgiveness of Allah and to be rewarded with jannah.

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