Naked world:The Era of temptation

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I agree with you, it is really hard to suppress our desire. This sinful act is everywhere, similar to the air you breathe. And sometimes even you close your eyes it will still invade your mind.

This world is already welcoming this sexual tension. This world already becomes a stage of lust. No one is safe from uninvited desire, it is like we are seeing an open platform that encouraging us to dance to the rhythm of erotic music.

This generation will teach you to filter your face, but not your heart.

It's difficult for a Muslim girl not to fall into shaitan's trap. Eve is weak, and her desire is higher than Adam. The male race advised to fast to avoid the sexual thoughts,or if they can marry, they should marry.Female race can fast too,can they propose too? I mean you need to be bold to propose. And they will say nowadays it is not wrong to do the first move. The first wife of our beloved Rasul was the one who proposed to her husband. Well, she is lucky, very lucky to get married to a prophet,but take note that boldness came from Allah.She was destined to marry our beloved Rasul.

It's Khadija(ra) love story, what about ours? Can we run to the man we love when this sexual desire visits us, and we will shout these words to him, “marry me”? Of course, we can't do that. We will put the man in awkward situation, to make the situation more difficult is, when that man is in love with someone else.

So, marriage could be a solution, but maybe this is the last alternative, try to exhaust first the other given alternatives.

Real talk again. To avoid sexual thoughts, fast. If you are hungry, I don't know what kind of hungry is this, and if you don't want to fast,then just don't feed your desire with porn videos.Don't make it a habit, control yourself, control the burning sensation. Instead of the disgusting site showing you the human anatomy, search the Islamic site instead, there you can find the answer.

Instead of finding the American pie, or jumbo cheese hot dog, find Mufti Menk,find Dr.Zakir,find Nouman Alih,find any Muslim scholars that could give you the right answer.

When you find them, Satan will leave you. Hearing them mentioning this taboo thing while giving us the holy words from the sacred book will make the devil shrinks inside your brain. There is a site on YouTube called “IlovuAllah" a short video lecture about tribulations, problems, and desire of the ummah.Yes, this is an Islamic video, a short Islamic video, shorter than the hentai or harem anime that you always watching.

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