Naked Mercy: I want a God who doesn't punish

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One well-known scientist wished for a god who doesn't punish. What's the punishment for? For wrongdoing? For reckless acts? Okay, why do your parents punish you? Because you climbed the tree, they didn't want you to climb that tree because you might fall and get hurt. A punishment is a consequence for not listening to them, and this punishment is less fatal than falling from a tree. This punishment reminds you to take care of yourself.

Going back to naked mercy, we want God to agree with us.It's the other way around now.Like the saying I heard from an old folk" today,the children are the parents,and the parents are the children". I think it's true,kids or kids at heart nowadays always challenge the forbidden,why not? Doing the haram excites you, amazes you but the irony of doing it is, it has a price.

Some say it's better to "master birth" than to have an actual sex.It is better to be green minded than to have sexual Intercourse(astagfirullah on saying these words).But it is better and healthy to have pure thoughts than to have a dirty one.

Because everything starts from a thought,if this thought prospers and can't be blocked by our sensible mind, it will result in a peril action. An action that you would regret later.

Engaging on these immoral thoughts and acting and expecting the creator not to punish you is not a fair game. His punishment is for the weak,weak in her faith, weak in protecting herself, weak in declining the invitation of shaitan.

There is punishment because there is a transgressor. Hell is created for shaitan and not for you,He didn't create that for you.It is you who want to enter that,it is you who follow the shaitan to that burning tunnel.On the day of judgement your companion who asks you to lit up your desire, who asks you to listen to the dirty symphony, will tell Allah that he has nothing to do with you. He will absolve himself, and he will deny you. So even him, the greatest transgressor, will falter and clean his hands in front of the Almighty Allah.

I will close this chapter with this hadith.
Muhammad(S.A.W)once said, "The (scribe) on the left hand raises his pen (i.e., delays writing) for six hours (this may refer to six hours of 60 minutes as measured by astronomers, or it may refer to short periods of time during the day or night, according to Lisan al-'Arab) before he records the sinful deed of a Muslim. If [the Muslim] regrets it and seeks God's forgiveness, the deed is not recorded, otherwise it is recorded as one deed." A further respite is granted after the deed has been recorded; up until the moment before death approaches, one is able to repent and ask for forgiveness.

So we always have time to repent and Ask for forgiveness... So please always repent because Allah is so Merciful...(

Yes you must repent before it's too late,remember tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

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