Naked Hope:I am depressed!

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Before we talk about Ms.A Rosal,let's lift up the reason why you got astray to this forbidden path.One reason is, you are depressed.You know the feeling of hopelessness and chronic loneliness? This uncomfortable feeling led you to this nasty path.

The source of your depression could be that you are heartbroken. You want to forget him,and for you thinking this dirty things is better than thinking about him.Or you are rebelling, the man left you and treated you like a sex toy, so you decided to own that title.Or you love someone but you are not allowed to do that because of some deep reason,to distract yourself,you submit yourself to hell.I know heartache is painful.It will lose your mind,but hey! instead of agreeing to them that you are worthless,pick up yourself and prove to them that you are valuable.Going porn can't lessen your heartache,sad songs can just worsen your misery,just go to Islamic school,go to Islamic site or search your bookshelve and read the holy Qur-an or listen to the Qur-an recitation,it will calm you and give you peace.

Okay going out from your heart,another source of your depression that led you to do cummy cummy,is you discovered that you are sick,you have an illness.So instead of facing it,curing it,you want to forget it. Aside from drugs,this forbidden pleasure that could make you feel good can let you forget that angel of death is approaching you.I mean yeah we all want to run away from angel of death.However running away from angel of death is not the answer,after you reach your highest climax you will feel the symptoms again and your body will tell you again that you health is becoming worse.

Don't indulge in sexual fantasies but face the reality instead.Your disease will not be gone if you turn on the bulb down there,it will just give a temporary remedy.Face it,check your health, ask the expert.We are all going to die,do you want to die without doing anything? Sure you can't control your lifespan but you can take care of your health,you can save yourself from punishment.Yes,save yourself from punishment of hellfire at least.If you feel your disease getting all your strength.Find strength in your prayer,it is better to die in prayer mat than on the wet bed.

But if your reason is not present on that things I have mentioned ,my assumption is you are just doing it because you have plenty of free time.I envy you,I finished my day without even finishing the things I needed to do. You have plenty of free time to waste. You are using this plenty of time to axe the woods that could be used to roast you in the hell fire. The pleasure you feel is not even an atom compared to the pleasure you will feel in pleasing your Lord,doing good deeds that will benefit you in the eternal life means to please your lord.See? Allah adviced you to do good not for his own sake but for your own good.Even when you transgress his power will not diminish but your life will be wasted.

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