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-Elizabeth's POV-

I woke up freezing a bit. Sitting up, I just saw that I was in my room... Did Meliodas take me home? Did someone find me passed out?

"Elizabeth!" A voice was heard. I looked at the side to see an extra bed and Diane getting up from it.

"Diane... why are you here?" I mumbled. She gave me a worried smile and asked "Meliodas told me he found you passed out and then he carried you to me. I took you home and slept here to make sure you was okay. What happened?!"

I was about to tell her what Meliodas did when I remembered his words 'you don't want your parents or sisters to get hurt... do you?'

"I-I was a-a little dizzy. T-that's all..." I mumbled. She hugged me, saying "I was so worried!"

"T-thank you Diane." I mumbled. She nodded before saying "Also, you got some messages from an unknown number before. I didn't see what they wrote, but you should check it.

Giving her another nod, I mumbled "I will just take a shower first."

. . . . .

Diane had went home to get changed as I was done for school. Deciding to look at the unknown messages I got before, I clicked on the number.

Hey Elizabeth, it's Meliodas. Put the name of this number as Boyfriend, 'kay? I will check you phone at school.

That message was sent for two hours ago...

I feel like going on a date with you tonight, make yourself ready to 7 PM, don't have too fancy clothes.

Then he sent another message right after.

I still want you to have some sexy or beautiful clothes on. Don't worry about the cold, we will be inside most of the time.

Those two messages was sent a hour and a half ago...

I sighed, thinking it was best to do as he said and changed the unknown number to one that will be known as 'boyfriend'.

Getting up, I just went to school. Diane will probably be late because of that she stayed with me. I went into the nearly empty classroom and just at that moment... I wish it was empty.

He stood up from his seat and asked "Why haven't you answered my messages?"

His hands landed on my shoulders as he made me sit down in my seat. He started massaging my shoulders, saying "Have you changed the contact to 'boyfriend'?"

I gave him a small nod as he said "Give me your phone."

With a small sigh, I gave him it.

"What's your password?"

"I-I can put it in..." I mumbled, reaching out for my phone again when he just said "I want to know your password, whether if you put it in or not. If you won't give me it, then you can't have any at all."

"I-it's... It's 'Hawk'."

He typed it in before looking through my phone.

"Good girl, you did change it to boyfriend, but I'm hurt you didn't answer my text messages. I want you to always answer them when you see them." He said, kissing my cheek as he gave me back my phone.

"Also, I changed your password to 'Meliodas'. That way, you will always remember you are mine when you get in on your phone." He replied.

Then he sat down in Diane's seat.

"You love me now, don't you?" He whispered, pulling me close. Closing my eyes as he trailed small kissed down my neck, I could only nod.

"I-I do." I lied. I don't want to ruin his good mood... and make this all worse...

"I will pick you up for that date later. Love you." He replied, kissing my forehead before leaving to his seat just as another classmate walked into the classroom.

I sighed, laying my head on my desk.

. . . . .

I was pinned to the wall in one of the bathroom stalls. I didn't fight back when he kissed me. I have to do as he says or he will kill my family...

"Your lips is so soft... so sweet..." He mumbled, giving me another kiss. I gasped of surprise when he bit my bottom lip slightly in the kiss.

His hands traveled down to my hips, pulling me closer to him as he let my arms free. He separated from me and kissed my neck up and down, at right and left.

"Do you love me?" He asked, forcing me to nod.

"Y-yes..." I mumbled, disliking him more and more by the moment.

"Say it louder." He replied, making me just say "Ye-yes."

"The actual words."

"I l-love y-you..." I said. He let go of me, stroking my cheek with the back of his fingers.

"I wish we could make out more, but the lesson will start soon." He whispered, making me sigh in relief in my head.

"I will see you after this class. I will walk you home to make sure you arrive safely. Then you could get yourself ready for our date later."

I nodded as he let me out of the stall. We went out of the girl's bathroom before going to the classroom where I found Diane waiting for me.

"You took your time..." She said, making me just say "S-sorry."

"It's okay bestie! Hey, want to hang out after school?"

"I-I can't, sorry Diane."

"What?! Why not?"

"I-I... I have a date..." I mumbled. She gave me a shocked look, asking "Really?! With who?!"

I quickly glanced at Meliodas, seeing him stare at me like usually.

"With Meliodas?!" She whisper yelled. I just nodded slightly before she mumbled "I'm happy for you! If he does anything to you, then call me to beat him up."

I wish I could Diane, I wish I could...

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