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-Elizabeth's POV-

We sat in a taxi on the way to his other plan of a date. I just stared out the window as Meliodas had his arms around my waist, pulling me really close and leaning his head on my shoulder.

He really does like to hold me close to himself, doesn't he?

The car stopped and Meliodas immediately unbuttoned his seat belt and went out. I went out right after on the opposite side.

"What is this place?" I asked. The taxi drove away as Meliodas fame beside me. We stood in the middle of nowhere!

"It's the place where you are following me further out into the forest." He said, lightly taking my hand to start pulling me towards it.

I stood still, asking "Is this the place where you drag me out to and then kills me without anyone noticing and then bury my body in the forest?"

It might have sounded like I joked, but I was actually scared something like that would happen to me right now.

He just started laughing, saying "Of course not! I wouldn't ever hurt you."

I was a bit hesitant, but followed him all the way through the forest until we stopped.

To my surprise, instead of it being out in nowhere as he had a knife in hand, it was the ocean.

So he will drown me instead huh?

The water was so sparkly and blue though...

"I want to show you a special place. It's this way." Meliodas said, pulling me towards the beach. I followed as he slightly pulled me with him.

After some more minutes of walking, Meliodas lead me into a small cave.

Oh, he will stick me up in a cave. No one would ever find me here, this would actually be a good place to kill someone.

"Close your eyes."

"Are you sure you won't kil-"

"Trust me Elizabeth. I would never hurt you if I didn't have to." He said, giving me shivers. Closing my eyes, I just felt him lead me somewhere.

"So, now you can open them."

I did as told, opening them to see steaming water as it was an opening in the roof, allowing us to see the sky, which had became dark, the moon shining down on us.

"It's a hot spring, let's bathe."

"B-but I don't have any swimsuit."

"You have something underneath that pretty dress, right? Just use that."

"But then they will get wet."

"Then you could bath naked." He said, already on his way and pulling off his shirt... and I couldn't help but to stare...

He had a fricking six pack! How could I not stare?! He was probably the definition of hot!

Not that strange he is so much stronger than me, he probably trains a lot.

"Elizabeth? What's wrong?" He asked, now pulling off his pants, leaving himself in only boxers.

"Come on Elizabeth, if you wanna swim naked, then that's okay. Just undress yourself now, I want to get in."

"U-I-Umm, n-no, I-I can watch you swim."

"But that's no fun. Just pull that dress off and get in." He said. I shook my head.

"Fine, I will just have to JUMP in alone." He said, making me nod. No way I'm actually getting in that spring. Sure, the water is clear and it looks really hot and comfortable, but it's sooooo deep. I would never get into it.

Suddenly, my dress was pulled off and I was pushed into the water, making me scream.

The next second, I was surrounded by water as my sight became blurry. I closed my mouth so no water would come in, but it didn't help much.

I need air, I can't breathe. It's making me dizzy and tired... but I have to stay awake... just a little more and maybe I can get up somehow...

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and just some seconds after, I was able to breathe. I took a deep breath in as I felt the rock floor. I pulled myself up over the edge and coughed up water.

"Elizabeth?! Can't you swim or what?! You have to swim up again!" Meliodas yelled, holding me by the shoulders.

I stared at him a second, still trying to process what just happened.

"You... you can't swim?! Why didn't you tell me?!" He yelled once he realized why I didn't. Then he pulled me into a hug, saying "I-I- I was so worried about you when you didn't swim up again. I thought I would lose you for a second."

I pulled away, saying "Get away from me! I-I don't want you near me! Y-you nearly killed me!"

Using all strength I had left in my body after that horrifying moment, I stood up and went over to my dress, pulling it on and looking for my phone.

"Elizabeth, what do you think you are doing?!" He asked, standing up and walking over to me. I just walked past him, trying to get out of here, but he pulled in my arm.

"What?!" I yelled, looking back at him.

"Do you really think I would have pushed you in like that if I knew you couldn't swim?! Do you?!"

"Yes! You are a psychopath! Why wouldn't you?!" I yelled back, yanking my arm away from him before leaving quickly.

I looked at my phone, dialing Diane's number. My eyes just getting more and more blurry the more numbers I put into the number. Tears streamed down my face once I pressed the call button.

"Elizabeth?! How did the date go?" She asked.

"Diane? Can I come over? I-I don't want to go home... I-I don't feel safe there..."

I don't feel safe anywhere Meliodas knows I am at...

"Of course, should I send mom to come and pick you up? Where are you?"

"I'm... out in nowhere..."

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