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-Diane's POV-

I gave Elizabeth a hot chocolate with whipped cream, mini rainbow marshmallows and even some sprinkles on.

She sat down in the couch in my room, three blankets around her cold and wet body.

I used Snapchat to see Elizabeth's location and then me and mom drove to get her. Now we are here and Elizabeth looked all sad.

Her eyes was puffy and red like she had just been crying and she doesn't respond much.

I sat down beside her with my own hot chocolate, asking "So, do you want to tell me what happened?"

"I-I nearly died."

"Did Meliodas try to kill you?! For real?!" I asked, spitting out some of the chocolate I had in my mouth. New tears formed in her eyes as she mumbled "I don't know... I really don't know..."

"Tell me what happened."

"I... He took me to a restaurant at first... but the waiter touched me and made me uncomfortable... Meliodas stood up for me and told him to stop, but the waiter didn't... Meliodas got angry and we left immediately..."

"So far, he doesn't sound that bad..."

"He took me out to nowhere instead... and led me through a forest... I thought he would kill me there... but he continued until we reached a beach... and then into a cave..."

"That sounds scary..."

She nodded and continued "He showed me a hot spring... and told me we could bathe there... but it was really deep and... and.."

"And you can't swim." I continued, making her nod. She took a sip from her hot chocolate, saying "He pulled off his clothes until he was in only underwear. He told me to also pull off my clothes and get in, but I refused..."

"What happened after?"

"He continued to pressure me to get in, but then he said he would just bath alone. I let my guard down as he went a bit closer to the spring, but then he pulled off my dress and pushed me into the spring..."

More tears fell from her eyes and I started rubbing her back.

"It's okay Elizabeth, it's okay. Take the time you need." I whispered. She nodded and took another sip from her chocolate.

"I sank in the water and it felt like everything went so slow. I couldn't breathe, I felt dizzy and tired... then I could take a deep breath and I climbed up onto the edge... I coughed up water and Meliodas started yelling at me for not swimming up from the water... when he realized I couldn't swim, he started yelling at me for not telling him about it..."

"And after?"

"He pulled me into a hug, but I pushed him away, yelled at him and left. Then I called you." She finished, taking the rest of the hot chocolate in one go.

I put my cup of hot chocolate down on the table, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been there. I should have had your back, that's what best friends are for..." I said. She hugged me back, crying a bit.

"Movie night?" I asked, letting go and trying to cheer her up one way or another. She nodded, making me ask "Same old Mulan?"

She smiled a bit, nodding as I went to put on Mulan on the tv.

-Zeldoris' POV-

The door opened, making us all look towards the door in the kitchen. He should step in whenever. I do hope his date went great, I really don't want anything bad to happen.

I stood up, walking over to mom and dad to hide a bit behind them. Mom took my hand as dad whispered "It probably went fine, don't worry." but we all heard the uneasiness in his voice.

Meliodas went into the room, an angry expression on his face, scaring me even more. He went up to the fridge, pulling out an apple.

"M-Meliodas? Y-you are home early, zh-hoe did your date go?" Mom asked. Meliodas looked towards us instantly, closing the fridge. He walked up to us until he stopped in front of mom.

Then he pulled up his hand before slapping her hard in the face.

"Do you really think I would be home early if it went good?! Are you that stupid?!" He yelled, hitting her again. I closed my eyes, not being able to see him like this.

I hate Meliodas... I hate that he is my brother... he just hurts us all the time... to make it worse, everyone in school knows he is my brother and bullies me for it...

I felt dad pull me into a protective hug, saying "M-Meliodas, p-please stop it, y-you are scaring Zeldoris a-and hurting your mother."

"Oh? So you care about them, but not me?! Where was that love when I got hit of bullies?! Where was that love when I was scared of being bullied? Huh? You are the worst father in existence!" Meliodas yelled and I opened my eyes slightly to see what he was doing.

I saw him pick up one of the plates on the table before throwing it at dad. It shattered, giving both me and dad some cuts as dad fell onto the floor with the chair, hitting his head.

I saw him pick up another plate, about to throw it at mom, but I ran up and hugged him.

"P-Please, d-don't h-h-hurt them any m-more..."

He pushed me away,.making me land on the floor. He kicked me in the stomach before throwing the plate at me. I shielded my face just before. Then he said "You are the most annoying 7 years old there is!"

Then he left us and mom immediately went up to me.

"Are you okay sweetie? Did you get any more wounds? Oh no, you have noseblood!"

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