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-Meliodas' POV-

"Hmmm? So you knew I was following you?" An old man asked, coming to sit on the other side of the bench.

"What do you want me?"

"I want you back."

"Back? What do you mean?"

"There's better places to talk at."

"And I have better places to be at, out with it or leave me alone." I spoke. He sighed, saying "I have been looking for you ever since I found a new identity."

"So? What do you want?"

"I want to raise you as my own son."

Own son? But that would mean... he is my father?

"Are you... are you my real father?" I asked, looking towards him. He looked at me too and nodded. Finally... There is finally someone that cares about me... He really looked for me... and wants me back...

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I had to find and use a new identity before going to look after you, which was also rather hard to get information where you were, especially when I didn't know your name." He answered.

I stood up and he followed quickly.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. I'm not in the mood for this right now, I have other things to think about." I answered, starting to walk the direction my home where, my real father following me.

"Like what?"

"Like things you don't have to know about."

"I want to take you home to me, the place you should call home."

"But it isn't my home now, is it?"

"Yes, if-"

"No." I spoke, stopping at a street before crossing it.

"Meliodas, come with me and I will raise you as you are supposed to. Come home with me and we can start as soon as possible."

"I'm not just going to follow you anywhere, how do I even know you are my real father? I will believe you when I gotten to know you. You have to earn my trust."

He grabbed my wrist, turning me around to face him.

"Listen to me now Meliodas, you are coming home with me right now or-"

"Or what? You will kill my family? My friends? It won't affect me, I don't care about them and if you really want me come back by myself, you won't hurt me either. So either you earn me or leave me alone."

I saw him smile as he let go of me.

"Fine, we do it your way then. When would you like to 'catch up' as the kids says nowadays?"

"I might go to the park tomorrow about this time, if not, I will be there in the evening."

He nodded, patting my shoulder as he said "Well then, I will see you later Meliodas."

I rolled my eyes and continued my walk home alone.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I looked at the phone that rang. It was Meliodas...

It might be better if I take it... j-just to make sure he doesn't get angry later...

"H-hello?" I asked, wiping away my tears and trying to sound like normal.

"Hey. Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

I felt tears stream down my face as waterfalls at his question before saying "N-no, i-it's t-too early..."

"Okay, want to come over?"

"I-I was with you j-just an hour a-ago..."

"I can't ever get enough of you. I miss your soft lips. I can take you out on a date if you prefer that."

"J-just leave me alone, haven't you done enough already? A-all you do is forcing me t-to do things against my own will! I don't want to be with you. I hate you!" I snapped, hanging up.

Crawling back into a ball and crying more, I just heard my phone continuing to ring.

A knock on the door was heard and I just mumbled "C-come in."

Mother peeked inside, asking "What's wrong sweetie? You have been crying a while now."

She came up to me and sat down beside me in bed.


"Come here. I know it's not nothing. You can tell me what's wrong. Your father went to work a small while ago and won't be home in a while, it's just the two of us." She said hugging me. I immediately hugged back, crying onto her.

She stroke my hair, whispering "It's okay, tell me what's wrong."

"T-there's s-someo-ne at school t-that threatens m-me to h-hurt our family i-if I'm not h-his girlfriend." I mumbled, feeling her pull me closer.

"You should have talked to us about this sooner. We can always help you with it." She whispered, lifting my face up to look at her. She was smiling a small smile before kissing my forehead.

I hugged her, feeling my tears slowly lessen as I cried into her shoulder again.

"That wasn't all, was it?"

I shook my head and said "I-I'm s-s-scared h-he's made m-m-me pregnant..."

"It's that bad?"

I nodded, feeling her massage my hair bottom, calming me some more.

"I-I don't know w-w-what to do..."

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. We can report him to the police and take care of your baby if you are pregnant."

With a nod, I just cried my eyes out on her a while more.

Not too long after I calmed down, mother left to make something to eat. A knock on my window was heard, making me look there to see Meliodas.

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