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John B's sentimental moment was sweet but it wasn't enough to ease Avery's racing heart beat.

Cladded in dark denim shorts and one of JJ's old, navy blue hoodies, Avery stalked over to the wall. Her eyes were trained on the Kook, watching her climb it with ease. As soon as Sarah's body dropped down onto the other side, Avery passed her flashlight to Kiara and twirled back around, grasping the cold stone.

"Oh shit" Avery whispered loudly, snorting on her laugh as she almost took a tumble. Sarah chuckled at her and was quick to reach out for her, helping her regain her balance.

Once all the teenagers were over, they started to retrace their steps across Ms Crain's property. Avery could feel her back aching from the arched position her had been walking in. Keeping her light down, she followed Pope's feet and trusted him to guide the way.

Somehow, the house was creepier. Avery could sense JJ's presence behind her and that was enough to calm her nerves a little. A gasp escaped her lips at the sudden flash, realising the lights had flickered on, causing the group to scramble.

Feeling her shoulders squashed between Pope and JJ's, Avery let out a shaky breathe and fumbled with her torch, trying to turn the beam off. The Heyward boy pointed out the obvious, reminding the group that the house had motion sensor lights. She fought the urge to roll her eyes at him.

"We could, uh, move really slowly, maybe?" JJ quietly suggested, total seriousness in his voice. Avery turned her head to face him and pulled a weird face.

"Yeah, that's not how it works" Pope sighed.

"Oh, shit. Let's throw a rock at it" John B perked up, voicing another dump idea.

"That's a really good idea actually. Let the axe murderer know that we're here" Kiara sarcastically replied. She noticed Avery biting on her lip as she fought the giggle that was bubbling up in her throat and cracked a small smile.

"Throw a rock at it?" Pope repeated, refusing to believe that his friend had confidently voiced the idea.

"You guys have a better idea?" John B shot back.

"Literally anything but that" Kiara shook her head slightly.

"What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch. We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it" Sarah whispered, raising her eyebrows. Her idea was quickly shot down by John B who refused to let her go alone.

After a short bicker, Kiara spoke up, "here, I'll go with you"

"Avery?" Sarah mumbled and looked over at the other blonde.

Avery's eyes widened as she looked back at the Kook, awkwardly smiling, "uh, you got this. All you. You don't need me, I suck at hide-and-seek"

JJ snorted a laugh and nodded in agreement, earning a jab in the side, "what? It's true"

The two girls slowly rose to their feet, keeping their posture bent as they carefully trekked out of the hiding spot. Avery smirked as she listened to John B tell Sarah to be careful, knowing that he was smitten for the girl, even though he still denies it every time.

JJ's reached over Avery, making her almost fall back in her crouched position. The boy cupped Pope's cheek, "be safe"

Pope mimicked him, placing his hand on JJ's chest, "I'll be so safe. I'll be safe for you"

"Can you guys stop? Stop!" John B harshly whispered. They had successfully wounded him up and Avery was fighting the smile tugging at her lips. "I'm gonna kill you"

"That's not safe" Avery pouted, breaking into a smile at the glare her friend gave her.

It wasn't long until the light went out, giving them the signal to move. Avery was the first to move, cautiously rising to her feet and shuffling out from behind the bush. She pulled the cap securely on her head and traced the steps she remembered from their last visit.

A hand slipped into hers, interlocking their fingers together. She didn't have to peer over her shoulder to know it was JJ. He was creeping closely behind her, his eyes bouncing between their surroundings and her body, assuring that she wasn't going to walk into any danger. Giving his hand a light squeeze, she continued the way towards the basement entrance.

The four managed to get back into the basement. Avery vaguely listened to JJ's movie reference, butting in to back him up on the fact it was a good film. Yet, the thought of comparing it to their current situation made her body shiver.

"How deep do you think this is, Pope?" John B asked in a hushed voice, unnervingly peering down the deep well.

"Deep" Avery deadpanned, appearing over his shoulder. The brunet looked back at her, gently palming her face and pushing her away.

The idea was seeming more and more ridiculous, and risky, as time went on. Avery stood back and watched the trio bicker, trying to tie John B into the harness and prepare to drop him into the well. She chose to not interfere, keeping the signal clear and hoping that Kiara and Sarah will return soon.

"Are you alive? Got a heartbeat and all?" Avery called down the well, cautious about getting too close to the stoned wall.

"I think so" John B replied. He reluctantly peered up, seeing the faint outline of Avery. "Keep going"

"Wait, hold on, one second. I'm gonna get situated" JJ mumbled, struggling to keep his grip on the rope. As he started to shift his position, his boots skidded on the hard floor and the rope loosened in his hands.

The thump caused Avery to spin around, her eyes immediately blinking towards JJ, who was fumbling around on the floor. Instinctively, she launched over and grasped the rope, hissing at the hot friction spreading across her enclosed palms. Thankfully with Pope and her grip, they got the rope to stop falling, taking back the control and saving John B from dropping to the bottom.

"I told you not to drop me!" John B's voice yelled, sounding distant and full of fear.

Together they held onto the control and returned back to their steady trail. Avery felt her hands throbbing and her breathing was shallow. Freeing one hand from the rope, JJ glanced over at Avery, overly worried about her. He used his free hand to wrap around her waist from behind, careful not to knock the rope or her too much.

"Hey, hey, we've got fifteen feet left. Are you close to the bottom?" Pope called out.

"I can't tell. Just keep going" John B shouted back, his voice was even more distant and the echo made it hard to understand.

Everything was going well until John B began screaming, begging them to pull him up. The three scrambled to obey and grabbed the rope tightly, pulling with all their strength. Avery closed her eyes tightly and heaved, feeling her arms ache as she yanked on the rope. She hated how desperate and fearful John B sounded, it made her stomach twist.

"Wait, wait!" John B suddenly started yelling, making them halter. Although they couldn't hear what he said next.

"Guys! Guys!" Kiara and Sarah's voices screamed, making Avery's heart drop to the pit of her stomach.

Cigarette Daydreams ━ JJ Maybank (1)Where stories live. Discover now