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CHAPTER FIFTY TWODisagreements‿︵‿︵‿︵

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Avery had never seen John B so frantic.

The four were quick to follow him into the house, watching him fumbling through cabinets and cardboards. Neither of them knew what he was looking for, nor where they getting any answer from him. Avery could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she followed her friend around the room like a lost puppy. She frowned as John B reached under JJ's pillow on the pullout, retrieving the gun.

"John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ stepped closer to him, hoping to take the weapon from his hands. "Talk to us!"

"Johnny, stop!" Avery shouted as John B fought against JJ and harshly shoved him away, causing him to fall back against the mattress.

"What are you doing?" Pope asked, trying to block the way. John B only shoved him out the way and into the table. While JJ got to his feet and Kira checked Pope, Avery was quick to follow.

Managing catch his wrist before he stepped out the house, Avery tugged him back. Without thinking, John B spun around and shoved her away. Her back collided roughly with the fridge, making her wince at the pain shooting up her spine. JJ shouted out and rushed over to them, positioning himself between them. His honey brown eyes stared at her for a second, regretting his actions almost immediately but then the rage clouded his vision again and he stepped out the door.

"John B, what the hell!" Kira screamed, her voice just about being heard over the sound of bikes engine.

"Ward knows about the gold," John B finally spoke up, his voice wavering. He looked over his shoulder, "he killed my dad"

That simple sentence caused his friends to halt, staring at him with shock and confusion. Neither of them expected that. Avery gasped softly and frowned, feeling her stomach twist. As soon as John B kicked off the ground, she ran towards him, missing him by seconds as he drove off at a speed. Her legs refused to stop, leading her after him. Her friends followed but soon stopped, knowing they couldn't reach him by running after him on foot. However, Avery continued.

"Aves! Avery!" JJ yelled, picking up his pace again. He caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, stopping her in her tracks.

She trashed around in his grip, "no, no! Stop! Let me go! We have to go after him!"

Lowering her to the ground carefully, JJ shushed her and held her close. He mumbled into her temple, "we will, alright? We will"

The sun had sent ages ago. The four stood on the boat, staring at the Cameron's house. They hoped for a glimpse of John B, or Ward. Anything to reassure them that John B hadn't done anything stupid and caused more trouble. They were all relieved to see Ward exiting the house. However Avery was concerned about John B, if he wasn't here, where was he?

"Uh, okay. Obviously Mr Cameron is fine, and even if John B was here, he isn't now, okay?" Pope said like it was nothing. "Plus I have the biggest, most important moment of my life in six hours"

"Yeah, well, our friend is in trouble" Kira argued back, not believing what he was saying.

"I'm in trouble. Guys, I haven't been home in three days. My dad's probably put all my shit out on the street by now" Pope defended.

"Okay, so that's it? In a time of need, you're going to bail? You're gonna just walk away?" Kira frowned.

"Can we not do this right now?" Avery sighed and rubbed her hands over her face.

"Hey, I have my scholarship interview in the morning. I can't-"

"But what about John B?" Avery cut him off, feeling her blood warm up. She was supportive of Pope, yet, Kira had a point, John B needed his friends to reel him in again.

"Why is it all about John B? Or about you?" Pope directly said to Avery.

"Its not always about Johnny, or me. You are acting stupid. It would be any of you in this situation!" Avery stood up and stepped forward, ignoring the feeling of JJ's hand attempting to reach out for her.

"Oh bullshit!" Pope spat.

"This is about friendship. Pogues for life!" Avery growled, inching closer to Pope.

"What about forensic pathology, huh?" He raised his eyebrows. "That's my life. You have no room to talk"

"Pope, stop it" Kira butted in, being ignored.

"Where were you when we needed you? You weren't there. You left John B, you left JJ. You weren't there for any of us. Remember?" Pope let his anger win, tearing into his friend.

Avery inched closer, feeling her skin fluster and nose flare. JJ stood up, "dude, that's enough!"

"You weren't there, and now you feel guilty" Pope continued.

"Oh, give me a break!" Avery spat and harshly shoved him back. Pope slapped her hands away from him and pushed her back without thinking.

"Hey, hey! Don't touch her!" JJ yelled and rushed towards them, shoving them both away from on another. "Cut it out, alright? If I'm the one mediating, we've hit rock bottom. Bow now, and don't ever touch her like that again!"

Pope sulked to the bow, avoiding Avery's glare. JJ pointed at his girlfriend, "that wasn't cool. Sit down, we are going back"

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