Chapter 9

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I step into the hotel room and look around. My brothers are sitting in armchair, reading. My parents are doing some final packing. Everyone looks at me as I enter.
I immediately know they know because my brothers smirk and my parents blush. I know my hair must be a mess, and my makeup from last night barely intact. I casually walk across the room to the bathroom. Before I go in, I turn around and face my family.
"Don't." I warn them. They all chuckle and go back to what they were doing.
I close the bathroom door and look in the mirror.
Oh god, my face is a mess. I have lipstick smudges everywhere and my mascara is smudged. I wipe off my makeup and brush through my hair. I then grab a pair of leggings and a hoodie and change into them.
We grab a taxi at 11, heading for the airport.

I'm sitting in between Noah and Josh in the back of the taxi.
"So, which one was it?" smirks Josh. I elbow him in the stomach and he groans.
"None of your business." I roll my eyes.
"I'm gonna say Carlos. He's the one who invited you out firstly, plus you always blush when he's around." says Noah matter-of-factly.
"I do not!" I protest.
"Yes you do." they say in unison.
"Well it wasn't him so it doesn't matter." I reveal. My brothers gasp playfully.
"Damn Via, in bed with Charles Leclerc, not bad." says Josh.
I say nothing else for the entire car journey.

We arrive home in the late afternoon. I stay for takeaway, and head off to my apartment on the canals after. I got my own place three years ago, to be closer to college. Rent had gone up an insane amount, so it would save me a lot of money to move back in with my parents since I have my own room there, but I have fallen in love with my apartment, and I'm not ready to leave yet.

I unpack my suitcase and sit on my green couch, which I acquired from my best friend Louise's furniture shop. I turn on my phone and go onto the news app. I run through the headlines, not really looking for anything in particular. Just as I'm about to leave the app, a story catches my attention.

'Charles Leclerc spotted with mystery girl!'

There is a photo attached underneath, which makes me gasp.
It's him and me kissing in his car before going back to my hotel this morning. My face isn't distinguishable, so at least my identity stays confidential. I can't believe paparazzi actually photographed us kissing! How did they even find us? It was so early. I turn off my phone and rub my eyes. I don't even bother reading the article.
I decide to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians because is there anything reality TV can't solve?

About 20 minutes in to my second episode my phone buzzes.


Did you see the news article???

I did

I'm so sorry, I didn't know they saw us

It's ok Charles, it's not your fault

I've booked your flight btw, if you still want to come

I do, if you still want me there

Of course I do
It's on Friday at 12 o'clock from Schipol to Monaco airport. I'll have a car pick you up and bring you to the paddocks. I would come get you myself but I'll be training

Perfect. And will I be staying in your place in the paddocks?

No, you will be staying at my place

In the paddocks, no?

Liv, I live in Monaco, I have an apartment

Oh my gosh, yeah I forgot

Is that ok?? For you to stay at my place? I can arrange a room for you in the paddocks if you want

No, I would love to stay with you

I'll send your boarding pass
*image attatched*

Got it, can't wait

I'll see you then, Liv
Call me or text me if you need anything

I will, thanks Charles

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