Chapter 16

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"He wins in Barcelona, he wins in Monaco!" screams the news reporter as Charles crosses the finish line in P1.
I cheer at the top of my lungs, so incredibly proud and happy for him. The entire Ferrari team and I rush to the area underneath the podium, waiting for Charles to arrive so we can congratulate him. It's Charles P1, Verstappen P2 and Carlos P3. A great result for Ferrari.
Charles does his post race interview, and can't stop glancing over at me during it, making me blush uncontrollably.
The second he's done he walks straight over to me and hugs me tight. I hold both sides of his face and we rest our foreheads against each other. Carlos has finished his interview so it's time for the podium. Charles quickly transfers his cap to me and takes his place on the podium. He receives a beautiful trophy of the track of Monaco. He kisses his index finger and holds it up to the sky. This is a tribute to Jules that melts everyone's hearts.
He, Carlos and Max spray each other with champagne and indulge in the love of the crowd.

"So I have two interviews to do, one with Sky Sports and one with Ziggo, and then I'm taking you out to dinner." Charles tells me.
"There's no team celebration?" I'm surprised. Ferrari is like a family, that would no doubt go out to celebrate P1 and P3.
He smiles sheepishly.
"There is, but I'd much rather celebrate with you, mi amore." he says as he kisses my cheek.

I wait for Charles in the Paddocks. While I'm waiting I speak to Kate, Pierre's girlfriend. Pierre is one of Charles' closest friends. I've only met him once or twice but he is very sweet. And so is his girlfriend.
"You must be so proud of Charles today." says Kate.
"I am. I know he wanted to win this so much. I'm so glad I was here to watch."
Kate smirks.
"So you two are like... dating? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Spill!"
I giggle at her upfrontness.
"Yep, we became official today." She squeals and holds my arm.
"I am so happy for you both. You guys are the cutest couple."
"Second cutest." I claim. "You and Pierre are so perfect. How long have you been together?" I ask.
"I think it's four years now." I make an 'aww' sound and she chuckles.
"Now I can have an F1 girlfriend bestie." she says linking arms with me.
"Good. I feel like I've made no friends yet. Apart from the Ferrari team of course, but other than that it's just Charles." I tell Kate.
"Well now you've got me." she smiles from ear to ear.

"Well look at this! We've been replaced!" mocks Pierre as he and Charles approach me and Kate. I shrug.
"I found someone who doesn't need massages every hour, so I took her and ran." Pierre fake gasps and grabs hold of both of Charles' hands.
"Come on Charles, we don't need them."
Charles laughs and makes a big show of cutting his arm through mine and Kate's to separate us. He holds my hand and shakes his head in Kate's face.
Pierre laughs and puts his arm around kate.
The four of us walk to the car park. Kate and I exchange numbers and we all say out goodbyes.

Charles and I sit in his car. I grab his face and kiss him.
"I am so proud of you. You drove a perfect race." He brushes his nose against mine and I giggle.
"I'm so happy you were there to watch me. You must be my good luck charm. My beautiful Liv."

Ferrari Love~Carlos Sainz and Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now