Chapter 43

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Thankfully, I did not forget any of it in the morning.
I wake up with a pounding headache, but all my memories are still intact. I check my clock. 11:47 AM. Oh my god, I can't believe I slept in so late. I lull out of bed and make myself some toast. I check my phone to find a few unread texts from Gemma.


Hey gal, what time are we hanging today? I have so much to tell you about Daniel 😉

Are you still asleep?


Cmon it's almost midday

I have to laugh at the way she texts, it's pretty funny. I text her back.


Soz, only just got up!!!
Yes, we are hanging. Wanna come over at like 2 and we can get lunch in my favorite cafe?

Sounds good 👌

I wonder what happened between her and Daniel that she has to tell me. I'll have to wait a little longer.
I get dressed and use an unholy amount of concealer to hide my eye bags. At 2:01 I hear a knock at my door. Ever so punctual, that girl. I open the door, and much to my dismay, she does not look as hungover as I am. Her hair is perfect, she has zero eye bags, and her skin is literally glowing.
I pause at the door.
"Your skin is glowing," I smirk. She blushes for a second, but then grins and shrugs.
"That post-sex look I guess."
I gasp and laugh.
"You did not!"
"I did."
I step aside to let her in, still chuckling about her brutal honesty. She is carrying a cute tote bag and pulls my blouse that she wore last night out.
"Thanks so much for lending it to me." she hands it back.
"Any time," I smile. "Your top is in the wash but it'll be finished by the time we're back from lunch." I explain.
"No rush." she says kindly.

I guide her through my city, to my favorite cafe, Cafe Wolf. It's super small and cosy and their food is just delicious.
"Although I'm hungover, I could really go for the mussels," I murmur. Gemma looks at me like I'm crazy.
"Mussels." she questions.
"Ew." she comments. I gasp.
"Mussels are delicious you freak." I retaliate, offended by her attack on my favorite food. She rolls her eyes and keeps scanning the menu.
"Soooo..." I smile at her slyly. She looks up from her menu and meets my eyes with a grin.
"He took me back to my hotel but when he pulled in to drop me off we started making out." She whispers.
"Why are you whispering?" I ask, whispering back.
"I don't know." she continues to whisper and I decide just to go with it. "Anyways, we made out in the car park and then I invited him up to my room and then we-"
"No no no," I plug my ears and close my eyes. "I do not need to know the details."
She laughs wholeheartedly.
"Well at least let me tell you, he knows what he's doing." she winks.

We order and our food comes fifteen minutes later.
"So what's up with you and Carlos?" she asks, cutting into her steak. I can not figure this girl out. "You kissed him yesterday in truth or dare, and to be honest, it didn't seem like it was the first time." she looks up at me when she says this. I avoid eye contact.
"What makes you say that?" I reply, almost too quickly. She pulls a face and I know I've already said too much. I sigh.
"Ok he kissed me back when I was with Charles and told me he liked me." I explain. She makes an 'I told you so' face at me. "But, it meant nothing to me at the time. Besides, who else was I going to kiss?"
"I don't know, the Dutch guy? He's super into you." She states blankly.
"Max. And ew. I only danced with him because I was drunk and he was giving the attention I was craving." I say. "Carlos was the first person who popped into my head when I was asked the question, so I just went with it. And I don't regret it."
Gemma smiles at me. We stop talking for a bit to properly enjoy our food.
I pay and we leave the cafe to walk along the canals.
"So where are you going with Lando tonight?" she asks out of nowhere.
"What?" I stop walking. "What do you mean?"
She stops walking too.
"Your bet. He was more drunk so he has to pay for your dinner tonight." She reminds me of my bet with Lando. I facepalm.
"I completely forgot about that. I'll have to text him."
She nods in agreement. We walk back to my apartment and I give her the black top she lent me.
"Thanks so much for this. How much longer are you in town for?" I ask her. She shrugs.
"However long I want. Haven't booked a flight back yet." she says nonchalantly.
"Ok cool, we'll hang out then over the next few days?" I ask.
"For sure. Have fun at your dinner." she winks and leaves.
I sigh and fall onto my couch. I am so tired.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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