Chapter 8

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Everyone has realise that you have changed. You have become quieter and sadly to believe it, you have become less cheerful. You brothers, friends and cousins try to cheer you up but they know that you have been faking it when you put a fake smile on. They know that you don't want them to care about you and just live the way they have been. JongDae has been extremely concern about you. He will check you up every night before you go to bed. He will always cuddle you to make sure that you're asleep before he moved back to his own room. However, little did he know that you pretend to fall asleep. You have a blade and cut yourself every night at around 2am. This has been happening for about a week. One day, it was really hot and you wore long sleeves.

"GaHeun aren't you hot?" Asked MinSeok, "It's like boiling hot in here."

"No...I'm fine oppa," you said while smiling.

This is the first time he saw you smiling. He has thought that you had let go of the situation.

"Just tell me if you need anything ok?" Said MinSeok while he ruffled your hair.

"Yes oppa," you replied while smiling
After breakfast with everyone, you guys went to uni. You had a class with WooHyun and JoonMyun. When you guys walked in, you saw WooHyun sitting there by himself
"Should we sit next to WooHyun?" Asked JoonMyun

"You can go oppa," you said, "I'll sit by myself at the back."

"No. I'll sit with you," he replied. You guys sat at the back. As the class went on, you felt dizzy. Probably due to the fact that the classroom didn't have air con on and that you were wearing a long sleeve top.

"Are you ok?" Asked JoonMyun during the class.

"Yeah. I didn't sleep properly last night," you lied.

JoonMyun and you continued with the class. After class, you guys went to the basketball court where you guys would normally meet up. KyungSoo and ChanYeol bought ice cubes for everyone to cool down. You were sucking on them like there's no tomorrow, hoping that you will be able to cool down. After lunch, you went to your Jazz class with YingXing, JongIn, TaeMin and SeHun. You guys did 2 hours of dance. It was mainly non stop dancing. You did get a break here and there. You hate yourself for being so weak and useless. Hence, you used as much energy as you have to dance.

"Well done GaHeun," praised the teacher, "you have worked really hard today."

You bowed to her before grabbing your drinkbottle and bag. You expected to see JongDae waiting for you outside since you guys have work.

"Ya! Aren't you going to change out of your sweaty top?" Asked JongDae.

"Naaa. The wind will cool it off and make it dry," you replied.

JongDae grabbed your bag and held on your hand. When you guys reached to your motorcycle, he put your helmet on and you hopped onto his bike. You placed your arm around his waist and lean your head on his back. For you, this was a smoothing moment because it makes you feel calm. When you guys arrived at MyStyle, you separated and went to get change. You used to change in the change room. However, you decided to change in the bathroom since there were the scars. You wore a long sleeve dress that is slightly see through. However, since the dress is black, it is less noticeable. You walked over to your department and took your place. You tried to be as cheerful as you can. You didn't want your manager to yell at you for being sad all the time. JongDae will occasionally glance at you to see how you were doing. You guys didn't talk on the group conversation at all today. After work, which was around 9pm, you tidy up your area before leaving. When you reached to the staff room, you grabbed your jacket.

"Manager oppa. Is it alright if I wear the dress home?" You asked, "my shirt is soaked because of my dance practise and I didn't bring a spare top."

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