Going to hell anyways

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20th chapter lets gooo


JJ watched as the brunette female pinched the joint between her thumb and pointer finger, spinning the lighter till the dainty flame appeared and lit the end of the joint, smoke getting lost in the salty sea air, watching the joint meet her lips and inhale the smoke. Kiara held her breath passing the joint back to JJ as the smoke reached her lungs.

"Told my mom i'm waiting on a tow truck, so she's less likely to kill me for coming back home in the middle of the night." Kiara told him as JJ inhaled, handing the joint back to her

" Kie your moms gonna kill you either way" JJ responded with a smile exhaling the smoke

" Either her or Rafe" Kiara said as they continued passing the joint back and forth between the two.

JJ took the next hit, tearing his eyes away from the sunset to look at Kie, finding her already looking at him. Their eyes locked for a few more moments than they should have, before the two erupted in laughter over nothing.

"You totally just made me waste that hit" Kiara laughed swatting his shoulder as shed exhaled the smoke too early due to laughing 

"I take bigger hits than you anyways" JJ shrugged with a smile as he teased her 

"Only because my cousin is a lawyer instead of a weed dealer, and I haven't been smoking since I was 12 like you." Kiara teased back

"Okay first of all, Ricky isn't just a weed dealer. He's also an EMT. And second of all, you've been smoking since you were 14" JJ laughed, not dwelling much time thinking about the contrast between the two teens family. 


"Apparently the tow truck is coming all the way from charleston because they are backed up on the banks." Kiara said in a frustrated tone walking back to JJ. 

The two teens had been waiting an hour and the sun was already almost set, so Kiara had decided to give a follow up call. 

"But is the ferry even running at this time of night?" JJ asked 

"I don't think so. I was just told to 'sit tight and be patient'. I'm very patient. Im a patient person" Kiara said, clearly not happy to be treated like that over the phone. 

"No you're not" JJ corrected

"No, I'm not." Kiara sighed in agreement knowing JJ was right. 


JJ had started a small campfire on the beach, they were still within sight of the cars, but they knew it would be a while so they might as well get comfortable. 

JJ sat next to Kiara leaning against a log by the fire

"Im hungry" JJ complained staring at the fire 

"You're not hungry you just have the munchies" Kie told him

"You know me so well" JJ smiled. it was quiet for a moment

" I cant believe Rafe shot his own sister." Kiara said out of the blue, clearly not concerned about dampening the mood. 

" That shitheads gonna burn in hell" JJ retorted and Kiara was quiet again for another moment.

"Do you think we're gonna go to Heaven or Hell, JJ?" Kiara asked him as she stared up at the stars

"I thought you didn't believe in that stuff. More like, crystals and the moon and that stuff" JJ said and glanced at Kiara. It was true, she wasn't religious, but clearly she wanted an answer to the strange question. 

"Well i'm definitely not getting into heaven" JJ said "I mean, I smoke. I drink. i steal. I cuss. and worst of all i plant different crops in the same field" JJ said with a smile, Kie was clearly confused

"Yeah the bible says eating lobster and planting crops in the same field is a sin" JJ informed her

"how do you know all this?" 

"my mom used to take me to Sunday school before she.." JJ cut himself off before he could open up too much.

"But you're definitely going to heaven." JJ said confidently 

"what?" Kie said, shed obviously thinking the opposite of herself.

"You care so much about others, and the earth. You're like a guardian to God's world. I don't see a better reason to let someone in" JJ said and she turned her head to see him and their eyes locked 

"You're everything good" JJ said, the volume of his voice lowering with their closeness. Kiaras eyes dropped down to his lips. The two didn't realize either were leaning into each other till their noses brushed, her eyes meeting his again as they paused in hesitation. 

"Fuck it, I'm going to hell anyways" JJ muttered before closing his eyes and gently laying his lips on hers.

Kiaras eyes fluttered closed as she slowly kissed him back. 

Their needy hands began grasping at each other as her hands found their way to his blonde locks, the other holding onto his muscled shoulder. JJs hand slipped into the small of her back as his other hand slipped under her chin, tilting her head up giving him more access to her mouth. Their movements were gentle but begging, this had been building for years. 

The girl gasped softly when his hand slid under her shirt returning to the small of her back. She threw her leg over his hips before straddling his lap. Kiaras hands grasped the collar of his shirt as his hands dropped to her hips gripping them needily.

Suddenly there was the sound of a few loud clangs, they broke the kiss looking to where it came from. They watched in horror as the twinkie was loaded onto the tow truck. Kiara scrambled off the boy as they ran as fast as they could up the sand ban, struggling as the ground wasnt solid. 

Kiara made it to the road first, waving her arms and shouting, chasing the truck for at least a hundred feet. 

"shit" Kiara whined as she panted, placing her hands on her knees to catch her breath.

"So they took the wrong car" JJ groaned as he caught up

"well with a crack in the window that size, it would make sense to assume it was the car that needed towed" Kiara sighed, standing up straight "But our phones and my shoes are in there" She groaned. 

"Great" JJ said sarcastically, he was left without a vehicle or phone, and blue balls.

"Guess we're walking back" He followed up

"But i dont have my shoes. What if I step on glass, or a snake or something" Kiara said 

"aren't you supposed to be a hippy? thought you guys loved going barefoot." JJ taunted but knew she wouldn't budge. He sighed in defeat

"Fine i'll carry you" he added "Princess" sarcastically. She huffed and walked over before he scooped her up bridal style and began walking back to the chateau. 

Her arms hung around his neck but the two didn't dare look at eachother, attempting to let the tension simmer and pretend they hadn't been doing what they were doing.  

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