A rough couple weeks

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By the time they were done eating shed eaten all of her fries and about a third of her veggie burger.

JJ and Kiara were laying in the hammock as it swung in the afternoon breeze. Kie rested her head on JJs shoulder, fidgeting with the shark tooth on his necklace between her fingers. JJ had his arms tucked behind his head laying on his back staring up at the tree they swung under.

"Hey JJ?"


"do you remember that night at that midsummer's party?"

JJ nodded a reply. Of course hid did, it was that night JJ realized how intense his feelings for Kiara were. Seeing her ethereal beauty in the satin lilac dress and her hair pulled up out of her face, she still looked like Kie, he thought she looked breathtaking even if she looked all kooked up.

"So.. you never told me why you ended up getting dragged out with your face fucked up" she said looking up at him, she quickly looked down at his chest so JJ wouldn't see her gaze.

"well.. Rafe and Kelce and three of their friends ended up hunting me down in the party and jumped me in the bathroom"

Kie nodded listening

"yeah that and then security showed up and broke it up-" JJ paused not sure if he should tell her the last point

"And Rafe also said that he thought you looked hot.. so I tried to go back for round two but I didn't get the chance" JJ trailed off. Kiaras stomach did a flip at the thought of JJ defending her against the older boy.

"Gross, He's like nineteen. And JJ you don't have to defend my honor" Kie said rolling her eyes

"Yeah must be bipolar cus he sure had a different attitude when he saw me in the boat garage" Kie finished bringing back up the memory JJ had when Rafe had the audacity to grab her by the throat and start choking her, JJ hadn't realized what was going on till he heard her yelps and before he could help, Pope had saved her. 

"I can't blame pope for going as far as he did, almost killing Rafe i mean,  if i was in his position im not sure i would have been able to stop like he did." JJ said as if he would kill someone for laying a finger on Kiara.

"To be fair i didn't like seeing Barry beat your ass at the boat garage" Kiara said truthfully remembering when Barry pointed the gun at him, or knocked him to the ground and yanked him up to eye level by his hair to scream in JJs face.

"That- that was nothing" JJ shrugged trying to play it off as not a big deal 

"Too bad you weren't there to help when Miss Crain was going after me with the fire poker when Sarah and I went to cut the breaker. or when John B slapped me in the face and used the skeeter excuse" She stopped in the middle of the sentence starting to tear up at the thought of their dead friends

"Hey wait please don't cry" JJ said sitting up looking down at her, " you know i don't know how to do the emotional shit" He said sitting awkwardly.

"Weve had a rough couple weeks" He mumbled.

Kiara sniffed forcing herself to stop crying at it worked for once. She wiped her eyes of any tears she had left and sat up

"Im sorry" She apologized sitting next to JJ

"no im sorry. our friends are dead who am i to tell you not to cry" He said

"it's alright JJ"

then they heard a yell

"kiara!?" A familiar voice shouted, the two looked over seeing pope climb out of his car. JJ looked back over seeing Kiaras face fall, he knew she didn't want to deal with the kiss they shared.

They both stood up meeting Pope halfway in the yard

"I figured you guys were here. Kie i've been texting you since the towers went back up." Pope said

"i haven't charged or checked my phone all week" She said in a monotone voice crossing her arms. JJ stood behind her, waiting incase he needed to step in

"Kie we need to talk about what happened"

"no pope, i can't do this right now" she said standing her ground

"-Kie we need to talk about us"

"Pope there is no us! It was a mistake. I'm sorry for letting it go on this long but i got caught up in the moment and i was in a bad spot and i felt obligated!"

she exclaimed and Popes face hardened. Kiara turned to walk away but Pope grabbed her wrist and she turned and looked at him eyebrows furrowed.

"let go-" She started to say

"No Kie you don't understand" Pope interrupted

"Pope youre hurting me" She yelped feeling his grip tighten and his nails dig into her skin, that wasn't the pope they knew and loved. he was acting different like how crazy john B acted when John B found out about who really killed his father.

JJ quickly stepped in putting his hand on top of popes. Kiara looked up over to JJ and JJ was practically staring down Pope

"It's time for you to leave" JJ said in a serious tone

"Are you threatening me? No offense JJ, but back off " Pope spat

"Pope. Let go of Kiara" JJ growled narrowing his eyes.  Pope finally let go and Kiara quickly ran into the house. Pope rolled his eyes in irritation before walking away. He got in his car and left finally. JJ watched him leave before quickly walking up into the shack

"Kiara? are you OK?" JJ asked finding her in the kitchen. She turned around to face him and his gaze softened seeing her watering eyes, all his anger immediately dissolved as her wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Kiara buried her face into his shirt sobbing as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"Two of my best friends are dead, and the other one hates me" Kie sobbed. JJ stroked her hair on the back of her head

"its okay, i got you, let it out Kie" JJ said, hed obviously had a change of heart since earlier. JJ knew he had to be there for her.

"It's not fair!" She practically screamed through her sobs

"Ward is a murderer! Big John, officer peterkin, John B and Sarah deserve justice and no one would listen to John B because he wasn't a rich kid." she sobbed and JJ just listened holding her.

"And all ive done was mess up our group when John B and I kissed and then Pope and I kissed" she said feeling guilty "I fucked it all up"

"Do you hear yourself Kiara?" JJ said in a stern voice pulling back just enough to look her in the eyes as they clung to each other.

"John B fucked up and kissed you! You didn't do anything to start that, and yes you kissed pope but it was a mistake! You're beautifully human you get to make mistakes.
And besides, that night when we were on the boat and you guys got into the argument and started shoving, I hear how he talked to you Kie.
Someone who really loves you wouldn't tear into you like that.
Yes the pogues are in hot water but that is not your fault. The Kiara I-we know and love would realize that"

JJ dropped His hands from her shoulders and cupped her cheeks as he held onto his sides. kiara looked down sadly

"Hey, look at me Kie" JJ said softly and she listened looking back up at him. He hated seeing her puppy eyes all watery and red from crying, she sniffed trying to pull herself together

"ok?" he asked and she nodded.

JJ and Kie stood there for a couple more moments. Her hands were placed on his sides keeping her steady and standing, thankful for someone and something she could hold onto emotionally and physically. JJs hands stayed on the sides of her face looking into her eyes as she stared right back into his, their faces only inches apart. Kiara leaned in closing her eyes and JJ thought she was about to kiss him for a second, but instead she connected their foreheads.

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