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Bucky's POV
I carried Wren to the lab and laid her on the bed.Tony and Bruce hooking all these wires to her.
"She'll be okay Barnes we will figure this out"
"They are only getting worse Tony..she's not even sleeping"I looked down at Wren who was exhausted because of not sleeping.Her body had shut down and I don't think anything could wake her up at this point.
"We know Barnes we will get this done..go see what you can find out with Steve..we got her she's safe with us"I nodded and walked to Steve.
"What the actual fuck is my life Steve"
"I'm not sure Buck"
"Any Hydra agent in the base is dead already"I read the lists of agents dead by mostly Steve and myself.Along with Ultron when he took Wanda and Pietro from Strucker.
Rumlow I growled.
"He's dead Buck"
"The list says he's not"
"You don't think Buck"
"No way he's not smart enough"
"But is it possible that he's working with someone"Fridays alarms went off.
Wren I murmured bolting to the lab.Tony and the Bruce were unconscious and Wren was gone.
Fuck I yelled gripping my hair.
"Buck stay calm we will find her"
"How Steve how she's fucking gone I don't know where she is or who took her"
"Friday gather a meeting now"I helped Steve wake up Bruce and Tony.
Tony what happened..Tony Pepper gasped running to him.
Someone took Wren I murmured and the color drained from her face.
The vision she murmured and I nodded.Pepper hit her knees and Tony gasped awake.
Pepper he groaned.
"What happened"
"We need a meeting now"We all sat at the table and I stood.
I can't sit I announced looking out the window.
"So what we have is Wren had a vision we are assuming about becoming a female winter soldier..she'd be one of the first successful cases if so but Steve and Bucky demolished all serums and destroyed Hydra agents along with Hydra"
"So what's our plan"
"Easy get her back"
"Easier than said and done we have no idea who took her and where they took her"Thor appeared and we had to re explain everything.
"We have another issue besides Lady Wren"
"What is it"
"Loki is gone"
Fuck I grunted smashing a chair.
Mommy where's Wren I miss her Morgan whispered.Their bond was so tight she knew when something wasn't right.She is very smart for 5.
"We aren't sure honey"
Here Morgan I'll read to you Peter offered.
"No it's mine and Wrens special book"

"Baby girl what are you doing"
"Making this for Morgan"
"What is it"
"A virtual story book it sings you are my sunshine to her..it's her favorite song"
"Your adorable baby girl your going to be an amazing mother"
"Thank you my love"

"I'm okay..Morgan can I see your book"
"I'll give it right back I promise"
Don't hurt it she whimpered walking to me and letting me hold it.
I won't I promise I whispered.When I heard Wren's voice I touched the book and Morgan climbed on my lap despite Tony's protest.
"Great I'm losing both daughters to Barnes"I murmured the song along with Wren's recording and when the song finished  Morgan was asleep.Tony took her putting her to bed
and I set the book on the table.

Wrens POV
I woke up in a chair metal glinting all around me.
Where am I I murmured and I blinked a couple times seeing ekg and a tray full of injections.I tried to calm my breathing my vision coming true all around me.I was bolted down to a chair.
"Darling your awake"I froze and couldn't crain my neck but I knew that voice anywhere.
Loki I hissed my fists balling up.
"Hello pet we are going to have some fun"
"No we aren't..how did you get out of Asgard"
"I was released i had someone's doll that was requiring my attention"
"Your brother would never release you"
"Oh I never said it was my brother"He used a remote to press record and I looked into it.
"Tell your family hello"
Fuck I yelled as he ran a electric current up my arm.I screamed in agony unable to contain it as tears rushed down my cheeks.My tears coursed for Steve and Bucky both who endured this pain.
No I shrieked as he hit me again making my head fall back.

Bucky's POV
"James your requested in a meeting"
"Thank you Friday"It'd been two days since Wren was taken.No leads were started or found.
"Tony what is it"
"We have a video it's titled to all of us"
Pepper take Morgan out the room Tony murmured as Wren filled Fridays screen.
Say hello to your family Loki sneered and Wren screamed and I watched the current go up her arm.Steve squeezed my shoulder.I couldn't look away she was in agonizing pain.
Bucky she whimpered when he had finished.
"He can't save you now darling"
Your wrong Wren cried as he hit her with another current.
Butterfly she sobbed and I went still running to Wren's room her jewelry box didn't have her necklace in it.
"Enhance the screen Friday"
"Yes Barnes"Friday zoomed in on Wren's collarbone.
"She's got her tracker..we can get her back I need a ship to wakanda now Tony"
"I'll go with you Buck"
"Me too"Tony alerted T'challa and Steve flew the plane to wakanda.

"Shuri can you track her"
"I can I think"
"Please Shuri I need you to try"
"Of course white wolf" Steve and Peter is filled in T'challa about Wren asking for his help if they came down to a fight.
"Anything for the white wolf he helped Wakanada for so long its the least we could do"
"Thank you T'challa"
"Your welcome white wolf"
Let's get a tune up on your tracker too Shuri murmured disabling my arm.
"Can you add hers in there"
"I can certainly try..it might take me a day though"
"That's fine I'll wait a day if your sure you can get it to work"
"Yes I'm sure"My phone went off with a ping from Tony.
What the fuck I growled.
What is it is it Wren Nat questioned.I showed her and Steve the photo.
"Tony just got this"It was obviously Wren but they had finished her.
"Holy fuck talk about intimidating"
"We need to find her Shuri anything yet0
"Not yet"
"Get some rest we will send for you with any updates"

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