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Wrens POV
Wren here you go Peter murmured handing me an envelope.
"What's this"
"Open it"It was labeled Parker twins and I groaned as I seen it was a high school reunion paper.
Absolutely not I groaned sliding it away.
"What is it kid"
"It's our high school reunion paper"
"Wren you loved school"
Shut up I growled at Tony as Bucky walked in the room.
"Come on it'll be fun Wren"
"Once again absolutely not"
"Absolutely not what doll"
"Bucky tell your girlfriend she has to go to her high school reunion"I flipped Peter and Tony both the finger and Bucky chuckled.
"That's my girl..and you can't force her to do anything Peter you know that better than anyone"
"Take MJ I don't want to go"
"She's not gonna be in town and Ned's sick please I'll be all alone"
"Then don't go"I kissed Bucky's cheek and went to get dressed for training.I shut my door before Peter could follow me in.I walked out pulling my hair into a high ponytail.Bucky and I were working on some more hand combat stuff today.I walked outside waiting for Bucky and he arrived shortly after I came out.
Your to hot for my class he teased.I blushed and he spun me around making me giggle.
"You know you don't have to go if you don't want too baby"
"I know thank you for sticking up for me"
"Of course baby I always have your back"

"Come on baby you aren't going to hurt me"I raised my fists and punched him square in the jaw.He didn't even flinch.I was quick to dodge his neck trick dropping down to one leg and sweeping his out from underneath him.
Better much better he murmured as I scanned him for injuries finding none.We were both panting and Bucky grinned at me.
No I shrieked while I giggled as he tackled me to the ground tickling me.
Bucky please I giggled trying to push his fingers away from my exposed middriff.I whimpered when his lips kissed down my neck over the swell of my breasts and back up my neck.He pinned my hands above my head as I squirmed slightly.My heart beat quickened as he nipped at my neck.I bit my bottom lip trying to stay quiet.I whimpered softly and craned my neck as I felt him smirk against my skin.
Come on love he whispered.He helped me stand and my breathing evened out as we walked up to our rooms.We separated to shower and I sat under the hot spray.I wasn't ready for sex even though I wasn't a virgin because of Alex.I shuddered at the memory and felt tears drip down my cheeks.I slid to the floor holding my legs tight to my chest.I couldn't believe that it happened still after almost 6 months of the night terrors and nights where sleep but seemed impossible he was still haunting me.
Doll are you alright Bucky murmured as he knocked on my bathroom door.I stayed quiet trying to clear my throat without him hearing it.
"I'm okay Bucky I'll be out in a couple minutes"
"Are you sure baby I can come in and just close my eyes"My heart warmed when he found out I wasn't ready he wasn't shocked like I thought he'd be.He was understanding of my wishes reassuring me that we wouldn't do anything til I felt 100% sure of my decision.I turned off the water after finishing my shower and dried off wrapping my black silk robe around me and opening my bathroom door as I towel dried my hair before combing it out.Bucky was sitting on my bed and I  walked into my closet.I slipped on a red lace bra and matching cheeky undies.I pulled some black jeans up my legs and a long sleeve rose colored long sleeve top.
"You look beautiful doll"
"Thank you"I put my hair in double Dutch braids quickly.
Wren Morgan whined from outside my door giggling while turning the knob.
"Yes cutie"
"Mommy is looking for you"
"Okay I'll be right out"Bucky followed me and I found Pepper in the kitchen talking to Tony.
"Morgan said you were looking for me"
"I was wondering if you had plans tonight"
"I don't think so why"
Babysit Morgan cheered and wrapped her arms around my legs.
"We were wondering if you could watch Morgan so Tony and I could step out for awhile"
"Of course I don't mind"
"Thanks kid"
"Your welcome"

"Cutie it's dinner time"Morgan cane running in giggling as we ate dinosaurs chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese her pick.Bucky went out with Steve and Sam for awhile and Peter was with MJ so it's was just Morgan and I at the compound.We had already had three dance parties,two tea parties and watched a Disney movie.Pepper had texted me asking me to put Morgan to bed because they were running behind at their event.After dinner I ran Morgan a bath and helped her add some bubble bath.I grabbed her some pajamas and a fluffy purple towel.I watched her play before tackling her hair to get it down and over with.
Will you do braids after my bath Wren please Morgan pouted.
"Of course I will"She giggled and washed her body before I rinsed out her conditioner.Once her bath was done I dried her off and helped her apply lotion.I helped her into some floral pajamas and grabbed her brush and hair elastics.We watched Luca together and she stayed still as I combed her hair out and braided it into two simple French braids.She helped me pick up her coloring things and we snuggled together under her blanket.I looked at the time on my phone to see Bucky texted me.
Bucky:Should of just stayed home with you and Morgan baby
Wren:oh no why? I thought you were having fun
Bucky:I miss you
Wren:I miss you too
Bucky:We will be home soon okay
Wren:You aren't missing anything special Morgan is just receiving cuddles
Bucky:Doll your cuddles are the best
Wren:Well then hurry home my love
Bucky:don't tempt me baby

Soon enough the boys walked in and Morgan's fingers were gripping my shirt.
Hi Wren Steve laughed quietly.I smiled and seen Bucky lean over the couch.
Hi baby he whispered and I smiled.
Hi I whispered kissing him gently so I didn't wake Morgan.
Hi Stevie I whispered.His eyes fell to my chest and Bucky growled.
Eyes off she's mine Bucky growled his hand covering my own chest.I looked down to see Morgan had pulled down my shirt exposing my red lace bra.
Sorry I whispered as Bucky helped me sit up.I carried Morgan to her room and tucked her in.I kissed her hair gently and shut her door quietly.I walked out back into the living room.
It's okay baby he whispered as I snuggled into him.
I missed you I whispered and he smiled down at me.
I missed you more baby he whispered.He held me close as he clicked on a movie.Steve and Sam had both disappeared into their rooms.
"Doll can I ask you a question"
"Of course"
"So I know it's way to early in our relationship but did you ever think about kids"
"Of course..have you"
"Yes I have"
"How many would you like"
"A couple"
"Yeah me too"
"Well since we are on the future topics...where do you stand on marriage"He stayed quiet and then his smile grew.
I could see getting married to the right person he whispered and I smiled at him.
"And you know I'm talking about you right doll I want it all with you..I don't want to scare you away"
You wouldn't scare me away Bucky...I want that too with you of course I whispered and he pulled me into a straddle on his lap.He locked our lips and I whimpered as he took control of the kiss his body overpowering mine.I moaned softly against his lips.He groaned his hands guiding mine to his hair.
So beautiful he whispered kissing down from my ear lobe to my breasts.I untied my top and he kissed in between my breasts.I moaned softly not wanting to wake anyone up.
Please I whimpered.
Please what baby he murmured.
I need more please I gasped as he kept nipping and kissing my skin.
Let's take this to my room the yeah he whispered and I nodded quickly.He lifted me like I was nothing and I felt his huge bulge.He sat me on the bed and I pulled my shirt over my head and he did the same to his.They were both tossed to the floor and he locked our lips together again.
Doll are you sure he whispered as I nodded.He unbuttoned my jeans and tugged them down gently.I thanked god I shaved and did everything today.
So beautiful baby he whispered and I sat up and reached for his belt.
Please can I I whispered.
"Whatever you want baby"His voice was thick and deeper.I unbuckled his belt and he stepped out of his jeans.I slid back into his pillows and he held himself up so his whole weight wasn't on me.
Bucky please I want too try please I whispered and he stayed quiet.
Baby as much as I want to do that let's start slow okay I don't want to overwhelm you he whispered and I nodded.
Okay can I take this off he murmured his finger hooking into the front of my bra he murmured kissing my neck softly.
Hey Buck do you holy shit Sam yelled slamming the door.I cussed and covered myself with a pillow my face as bright as the pillow.
I'm sorry baby he murmured.
It's okay maybe go see what Sam needs I whispered and he nodded.He pulled on his pants and I slid underneath Bucky's comforter.He came back in and climbed in bed with me.He kissed my forehead and I snuggled into him and started to doze off to his fingers running up and down my arm.

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