Chapter 10 - The Edge of the Blood Forest

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Mahrek, Arianne and Venn'ren navigated through the Dawn Forest for three days and three nights before they finally arrived at the unnamed river dividing the Dawn Forest and the Blood Forest. Venn'ren stopped and closed his eyes, while keeping his ear towards the Blood Forest.

"Our presence seems to be unrevealed to this uncharted forest's eyes, for now. We will set up camp near the edge of the Dawn Forest to remain out of sight," Venn'ren said, while scanning the forest for any signs of danger.

Mahrek walked up to Venn'ren and asked, "Why does everyone speak of this forest as if it is alive?"

Venn'ren gave Mahrek a serious look. "You did not grow up hearing the centuries-old unnerving things that have happened here. A curse had been placed upon this forest even before man, dwarf or elf have set foot in Tamra," Venn'ren said and grabbed hold of his bow. "This forest and all things that creep in its heart is a blight to the world beyond its borders. Many names have been given to this forest; accursed, bedeviled, foredoomed and the list goes on. The tale goes that the old gods created this place to imprison all the most terrifying and evil beings that have roamed the earth before man, elf and dwarf to protect the rest of the world from its corruption."

Mahrek looked at the forest and felt an uneasy feeling. "Then why does everyone call it the Blood Forest?"

Venn'ren tightened his grip on his bow. "Nobody knows. That name has been carried down for centuries, but we will unearth the origins of its name soon enough," Venn'ren said with an inscrutable expression on his face.

Arianne was already busy making a fire and preparing supper when Mahrek and Venn'ren arrived at the edge of the Dawn Forest.

"Supper is almost ready, boys," Arianne said with an inviting smile.

It was after dark and Mahrek and Venn'ren sat down near the fire. Mahrek looked excited and smiled at Arianne and asked, "What is for supper?"

Arianne grinned at Mahrek. She knew Mahrek was unfamiliar with everything outside the borders of Aliv, including the abundance of cuisine of Tamra and its cultures, and she wanted him to experience the good parts and not just the bad parts of Tamra.

"Waybread and a special revitalizing mead made by King Valinor's Thalion Brewery. It is made from the honey of the undying flower that is only found in the Jurud swamp. It is an unquestionably delicate process to extract the honey and is only known to a select few," Arianne said and saw Mahrek overflowing with excitement. "I hope you like the waybread, because that is all we are going to eat. There is no other food that has a more nourishing and and a more strengthening effect on the body than waybread."

"I can't wait to taste the waybread and the mead. I'm sure it will be one of the most scrumptious bread and mead I have ever tasted in my life," Mahrek said excitedly and rubbed his hands together.

Mahrek, Arianne and Venn'ren sat around the fire. The good food and warm flames relaxed them and they started talking about the adventures they've had. Mahrek told Venn'ren about his and Arianne's journey and the new things he has seen. Venn'ren talked about his time in the Brotherhood of Pathfinders. All three of them finished their supper and said goodnight before heading to their tents.

Mahrek lied down in his tent and tried to sleep, but nightmares about the Blood Forest kept him awake most of the night. He took his grandfather's sword out of its scabbard and studied the hilt and the blade. Tears formed in his eyes and he looked up at the night sky.

"Granddad, I know it was your night to leave and that you have done all you could in this world, but I just miss you so very much. I just wish I could have spend a little more time with you. You were there for so long, I never thought you would leave. I thought you had another year waiting up your sleeve. The day that you left was the saddest of my life. I remember sitting at home and crying all day and night. I might be selfish, but I wish you were here or that you could have stayed for just one more year. I know you loved me and I still love you too. So I'm trying to be strong just for you, Granddad. I know I'm not perfect. I know I will never be. I just hope you are up there and that you're proud of me."

Arianne entered Mahrek's tent and lied down next to him. She looked at him and said, "I'm sure he is proud of you, Mahrek. I know I am. You have come a long way now and you are still going strong. Your grandfather is in a better place now. Everyone has a place in heaven you know, whether you believe it or not," she said and kissed him on the forehead.

Mahrek sighed and said, "Even if I believe, what chance do I have to complete my journey?"

"Remember, The Maker has made you. He will carry you, He will sustain you and He will rescue you. When you enter His presence with praise, He will enter your circumstances with power. Even though you didn't believe, He still sent me to protect you, because He had never and will never give up on you even if you give up on Him."

Mahrek smiled and said, "Thank you, Arianne, I will try to remember that." He and Arianne fell asleep and slept until the first light of dawn broke through the night sky and woke them up. It was a beautiful sight. The sky was golden and the sun was just emerging from the trees.

There weren't many clouds that morning and the air was refreshingly cool. Venn'ren was already up and was facing the sun while meditating. The heat on his face and the cool air around him made an unbelievable combination.

He noticed Mahrek and Arianne and said, "Come join me, please. You will only experience this once in your lifetime. This is known as the Golden Veil and this is the only day which allows us to cross over to the other side of the river." Before continuing his meditation.

Arianne went off to prepare breakfast. She turned around and waved a piece of waybread and a bottle of Thalion mead in a way to persuade them to come and join her. Mahrek needn't be asked a second time. He jumped up and walked as quickly as he could. Venn'ren joined after him. Mahrek started devouring the waybread and drank the mead to wash it down with.

"This bread is unbelievably delicious and the Thalion mead somehow sharpens the taste of the bread," Mahrek said fascinated. "You say you eat this a lot, Venn'ren?" He asked.

"Yes, only if the brotherhood and I venture out into the uncharted areas to map them. It is the only food we take with us. We sometimes take the Thalion mead with, but only for special occasions. We must finish up quickly and head out to the river," Venn'ren gently urged them on.

Arianne, Mahrek and Venn'ren finished their breakfast and packed up their small tents before heading out to the river. Venn'ren led them to an old stone bridge with all sorts of creatures carved into the pillars on its railling. Strange symbols revealed themselves to them as they wandered closer. The symbols appeared on the bridge's walkway.

Venn'ren stopped and looked at Arianne. "High Commander, I believe this is where you do your magic."

Arianne knodded. She walked towards the edge of the bridge and touched an invisible wall of energy. White light emanated from her fingers and created a visible portal in the wall of energy. Venn'ren looked at Mahrek. "You are the guest of honor, Mahrek. You should be the first of the humans to enter the Blood Forest, my friend."

Mahrek unsheathed his sword and held it ready. He slowly advanced towards the bridge and looked at Arianne and Venn'ren as he passed by them. He stopped in front of the portal. Closed his eyes and breathed. He held his sword next to his face and pointed it towards the portal. Slowly, but surely he entered the portal. Arianne and Venn'ren followed behind him.


Thank you for reading (Those who have read the rest of the chapter before it was rewritten, please read it again for more information. Thank you.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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