Cold Reading

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Delilah opens her eyes. Immediately, she knows Sev is dead. She sheds a single tear as she turns her head to the side, looking at the fallen remains of Bramble, his small guns snapped off as he fell. As she slowly stands from her bed, her naked, glowing body brightens her room. She can hear screams and yells and some gunshots outside. She walks over and puts on some sweatpants and a longsleeve shirt. 

The noises of war became louder as she pushed the curtains of her window out of the way. Seeing that the Traveler had left, her knees give out, and she faints. On her knees, she is beginning to feel the urge of death, to finally enter it's loving embrace. Yet, she stands, feeling a dark voice of someone she once knew, begging for her to go on. 

When she opens her door, she finds the hallway occupied by the body of a Titan. After inspection, it is learned that he had committed suicide, after losing all hope after the Traveler's absence. As Delilah continues towards the exit of her building, she would see two Hunters, a female and a male. They had both shot eachother, to save eachother the torment of doing the deed yourself. 

Echo, the murderer, had been standing in the Vanguard office for nearly two hours. He was thoughtless, and forever guilty for letting himself become an atrocious being. As his time of silence continues, he feels the cold metal of a barrel on the back of his head. Cayde-6 stands behind him. 

"I'm sorry...Cayde." Echo speaks.

Cayde feels nothing but sympathy, in a way, for Echo. Yet, he had killed Ikora of all Guardians, and had to be punished. 

"So am I." Cayde squeezes the trigger of his hand cannon, waiting for the sound of a body falling. It never happened. 

The bodies continued to increase in numbers as Delilah walked out into the empty courtyard of the Tower. Her bare feet would leave prints of the blood she stepped on, leaving a trail back to her apartment. She looks over at the balcony Zavala once stood at everyday, and there stood Lord Shaxx, his helmet on the ground next to him. He was staring up at the place where the Traveler once floated. Delilah decides to leave him to his thoughts. She continues towards the Hangar. 

Echo sits on his knees, his chin placed on the barrel of his rifle. He waits. In the back of his mind, he feels as if something good will happen to him soon, but concludes that it really is nothing. He moves his left hand down the rifle towards the trigger guard, and struggles to find the trigger. As he does, Delilah stands behind him. 

"What is going on...?" 

Delilah's voice leaves an imprint on Echo's mind. He had never taken note of it's softness. 

Acreo-1 is just now entering the Sol System. He has gotten word that Gate-4 has betrayed humanity, and that the Traveler had left them. 

Acreo's Ghost, Kang, floats close to him. 

"What is happening?" Kang quietly asks Acreo, Kang seemed truly in fear. 

"Not something good. This could be it, Kang."

Silence once again fills their ship as an extremely bright white streak fires past their ship, causing Acreo to nearly pass out. He had no idea what it was, but it came from Sol. 

"Are y-" Acreo looks down at Kang's remains. Already, his mind is filled with avenging his Ghost, as the fire in his eyes glows ever brighter. 

Gate-4 stands on a rooftop in the Last City. He silently overlooks the panic, blood, flames, smoke, rubble, and death before him. He did not feel remorse. He only felt anger, as he had let the Traveler leave the system before he was able to speak with it. He begins to turn around to leave, but stops. He looks up at the Tower, something staring back at him. The Tower is far away, and he wouldn't be able to see any human or Exo or Awoken. 

Acreo lands his ship on another rooftop in the City. Even though he felt the Traveler's retreat, he still was skeptical, a small piece of him hoping it would still be there, but it wasn't. Yet, he knows the being responsible is here. 

Delilah sits next to Echo as they look at the growing destruction and riot before them. They look at eachother.

"What have I become...?" He asks her. 

Delilah continues to stare into Echo's eyes. 

"A sinner, I would guess."

Echo saw it coming.

"I would tell you we could save Gate, from whatever has taken him...but now.."

"I know."

Cayde, in pain, stands behind both of them.

"Why did you do it?" He asks Echo. Both Echo and Delilah turn around.

"I was...angry."

"Angry? I left our timeline to defend others, knowing the system was in good hands. Your hands...I guess I was wrong." Cayde fires at Echo, hitting him in the chest a few times with his rifle. 

Delilah pulls out her own hand cannon, firing a near-perfect shot at Cayde's hand, splitting it in half and causing Cayde to drop his rifle. Cayde immediately tries to pick it back up. 

"Don't pick it up...please." Delilah pleads.


"Why?? I don't think we have time to exact revenge. I know Echo killed her, and he's still a monster for it. We need him...just please...don't hurt him.."

Cayde hesitates, his hand still above his rifle on the ground.

Acreo and Gate stand 12 feet away from eachother. 

"Where did it go?" Acreo asks, more of a demand. 

Gate doesn't respond. He doesn't have anything to say to Acreo.

"Answer me!" Acreo pulls from behind his back his large Cabal sword, stomping towards Gate.

Gate continues to ignore him. As Acreo raises his sword to bring it down on Gate, Gate lets out a word.

"Don't." He says.

Acreo takes it as a plea for mercy, but he was a fool for thinking that. Gate unsheathes his own sword and cuts right into Acreo's chest, kicking him across the rooftop. Acreo, in raw anger, doesn't feel the pain. Acreo throws his sword at Gate, Gate catches it and throws it back, but Acreo was already charging at Gate, and tackles him off of the rooftop, falling 40 feet. They land on another roof, and Acreo begins to hail down on Gate, clocking him in his golden helmet multiple times, then standing to kick him relentlessly. 

After it all, Gate seems to be dead. The beating Acreo gave him would have killed anybody. Of course though, Gate is unscaved, drawing his sword once more as Acreo is walking away. Gate sprints at him. 

Acreo turns around quickly, but the blade is already in his neck. Acreo stares at Gate as his strength fails, as an Exo, he will still live though, even though an essential part of his body was torn open. 

Gate, emotionless, continues to slice open Acreo's body until the wounds are exactly fatal. They stare at eachother in silence as Acreo falls over. Yet, Gate catches him in his arms. They look at eachother.

"I'm sorry..." Gate whispers, not as an apology, but as a sign of shame towards Acreo. 

"Tell him..please." Acreo holds his hand up, and Gate takes it. 

Gate nods, he had already spoken too much.

"Avenge them. For her.." Acreo looks out at the City as the flames in his eyes go dull, no longer burning. 

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