Chapter 1

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Sitting on the train with a bento on my lap waiting to get off my stop, nothing was running through my mind. Life really never exceeded my expectations. It was nothing more than waking up, going to work, and coming home. Everything repeated like that everyday. I was on my way home from my 10 hour shift at the shitty job I had. The train was pretty quiet until I heard someone start shouting.

"Tasty! Tasty, tasty, tasty, tasty!"

"Huh?" I gestured to the mysterious shouting of the word 'tasty'.

I peaked over my seat and was blown away by a bright presence. It was like light radiated from where this person sat. There was a very muscular man with bright blonde and red hair. He was dressed professionally in an black and white suit with a tie at his neck. I seen that he had a bento, the exact same one as me. Matter of fact he had several of them. Watching in amazement and disgust he caught me glancing over his way. From the looks of it he was looking at my features. The next thing I know, he's getting up making his way over to my seat.

"You're beautiful Miss!" He proclaimed loudly.

Due to the unexpected compliment and his loud tone I began to get embarrassed, "Um thank you. But please, lower your voice." I answered with a nervous look.

"Tell me your name! Would you like a bento? How come you're by yourself? Are you okay?" He bombarded.

"I already have my own bento but thanks for the offer. My name is L/n Y/n, and i'm quite alright."

He looked me over once again before finally introducing himself, "I'm Rengoku Kyojuro."

The name sounded very familiar. His last name 'Rengoku', was somewhere in the back of my mind. I felt like I have heard that name somewhere. But who am I to ask about his personal business? He was dressed sort of formally so maybe he was a businessman. But I'm not gonna dwell on a person who I'll probably never see again in my life.

"Could I have your number?"

The question shocks me. For crying out loud I don't know his ass and he's asking for my number, "You're a very umm," I started while scratching the back of my neck, "a very straightforward person huh?". I exclaimed trying to avoid the question.

"I speak whatever's on my mind! Loud and clearly." He answered proudly.

"I see..."

He began looking at me with eyes of determination. Eyes that looked like they weren't going to give up. Giving into those eyes I reluctantly gave him my number. He was filled with joy once I finally put in the last number. The smile that was presented on his face was brightening up the whole train. It hypnotized me, making me stare at him very stiffly. Once he noticed that I was staring he tilted his head in confusion to my stiff gesture. I quickly averted my eyes and stared deeply into the train floor.

"Well Ms. L/N, it was a pleasure to meet you, but this is my stop. If you ever want to get into contact here's my number as well."

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Rengoku." I replied while curving my lips into a small smile while waving goodbye.

Once he left the train I instantly looked down at the note he gave me with his number written on it. His bright presence disappeared and left me lonely yet again on this train. It would still be another 15-30 minutes until I reached my stop. But after that I still had to catch a taxi to get all the way to my apartment building.


I had finally reached home after a long hour of transportation after the other. My apartment wasn't big, nor was it small. I had two bedrooms with one being the guest and two bathrooms. Walking into my kitchen I grabbed a snack and headed over to my bedroom. I was contemplating on whether I should text Rengoku or not. I didn't want to seem too clingy or like I had no life. But putting my pride to the side I decided to text him in hope that he would answer.

Is this Rengoku?

Yes, but whom may this be?

It's L/n. I don't have anything to do so I decided to text you.

Oh! Well okay then. Did you get home safely?

Yep. Safe and sound. What about you?


A few minutes passed and I seen that Rengoku had only looked at my message. I didn't want to double text because we aren't close like that. But while I was sitting on my bed I heard my phone start to ring indicating I was getting a phone call. When I picked my phone up I seen Rengoku's caller ID.

'What the flippin fuck.' I thought as I looked at the facetime answer and decline buttons. Not wanting to seem rude I answered his call pointing the camera up to my ceiling. When I could see his camera show up he was sitting down in a chair with the camera on him. Though he is out of his formal attire he had on and was wearing a white t-shirt but I couldn't see what pants he had on.

"Hey L/n." He said whilst chuckling softly.

"I see you got home safely. Glad to see that."

"Yup! But you should let me see you. You're really a beauty you know."

"Um okay I guess." I responded while setting up my camera to show myself.

After setting up my camera I looked up at the camera and saw Rengoku staring at me. Looking at him without his blazer on he was very muscular and attractive. We were both staring a each other for a few moments before I cleared my throat to gain his attention.

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked to break the weird tension.

"I'm a history teacher at Kimetsu Academy. You?" He asked back.

"I work at this cheap library. But I just got interviewed to become the librarian at that same school."

"Oh well then please do tell me if you get the job. But right now you should tell me some things about yourself."

Eternal Flames |Rengoku x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now