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Jake was sitting alone he has no friends because he just transferred. He's still not use to the environment and his surrounding. He feel that his classmates look at him differently. So he distant his self to others. And because of that some of his classmates bullied him.

That day he was still 7 years old his parents sent him to korea they were planning to live in korea but his parents have some business to do in australia so they sent Jake and his brother first because it's already scheduled there flight. It's there auntie who take care of them.

Jake was walking in corridor of there school and then someone shove him that cause him to stumble. And everyone who saw the scene just laughed.

"Oh the weirdo just stumble no one gonna help you because you don't have friends because your a loner" one of the bullies mock him and laugh. Jake was in the edge of crying but he hold it he got up and run.

Yes he is a loner. He don't have a friend's he was shy to make friends because he still having difficulties of speaking in korean. That's why he's classmates make fun of him because they think he's being rude.

He was now in the park he sit on the swings. He don't know how he get there though. He then let his tears flow. He then suddenly miss his parents. His older brother don't know that he was being bully.

"Why are you crying?" He flinch when someone just talk. He immediately wipe his tears and look at who was talking to him. It was a boy who has the same age at him.

He just stay quiet because he was afraid that that the boy will make fun of him again because he can't speak straight in korean so he just choice to shut his mouth.

"What's wrong? You can tell me" the boy said trying to more friendly.

"Y-you gonna m-make fun of me" he said in broken voice. (Just think of it he was speaking in korean).

The boy tilted his head and ask in curiosity "Why would I do that?"

"B-because I c-can't speak s-straight" Jake answered.

"And why you can't speak straight though?" The boy asked.

"Because I'm not u-use to it I g-grew in t-the other c-country." He was now speaking without hesitation because he feel comfortable of the boy. He don't make fun of him.

"Aahh it's okay let's be friends and let's always meet here so we can always talk so you'll develop your korean." The said happily. And Jake nodded variously with wide smile on his face finally he have already a friend.

"I'm Sunghoon by the way what about you what's your name?"

Jake introduce and he use his korean name "I'm Jaeyun."

And they did it after school they always meet at the park Jake school was near at the park while Sunghoon his nanny always bring him at the park after class. And because they always bonding Jake korean improve thanks to Sunghoon.

They become so close but Jake need to be back at australia because his parents cannot make it anymore they were loaded at their work. So he and his brother need to go back at australia.

"So you gonna live me already?" Sunghoon ask in sad tone. Sunghoon already use at Jake presence that's it's make him really sad.

"Don't worry I'll be back Honnie." Jake reassure the younger.

"Promise me Jaeyunnie?" Sunghoon ask and he left his pinky finger to make a promise. Jake nodded and intertwined his pinky to Sunghoon.

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