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Their were busy finishing there homework so they can enjoy there night. After they finish they decided to order pizza. Jake and the three younger was preparing their dinner while the other was up stair finishing their work.
The three younger sit and eating already.

"Yah we should eat together" he scolded but the trio just shrugged and smile. He just sigh.

"I'll better call them before you finished all the food."he joke and walk to call the others.

While he was nearing to the room where the three we're inside he can heard the conversation but he can't clearly heard it first but when he was in front of the door he can now clearly heard it he was about to knock but was stop because he heard his name.

"Jake need to know what you feel about him." It was Jay voice. 'Need to know what he feel? It is about forcing him to date Bomi?' Jake thought.

"No it'll change everything." Sunghoon voice.

"What change are you talking about? Are you planning to keep this forever to him?" It's Heesung it was clearly that the voice of Heesung was pissed.

"You don't understand Jake don't like me. I love him but he don't feel the same way because he like Bomi and I'm afraid that our friendship will ruin just because of this stupid feelings I have towards him!" Sunghoon half shout enough not to hear of people who's in the kitchen but that he thought. Jake who heard everything got froze of where he was standing. He was trying to process all what he have just heard right now. He don't know what he was feeling now. The guilt and pain it was eating him.

'Sunghoon love me? Since when? How come?" Jake question but he can't get any answers.

"So you just really gonna keep it to him?" It was Heesung who asked but no response.

"You avoiding him how even it's different with your reason that you don't want to ruin your friendship with him just tell him already about what you feel so the hurt will once only." Jay said that as if it was just simple like that.

"That's why I don't want to fall in love because it's.. it's you know crazy and it's giving me a headache. Just like now even though it's not my love life I already have a headache." Heesung said and sigh.

"So what's your plan now?" It's Jay question.

"I don't know." Sunghoon answered he was tired of this. This past two weeks avoiding Jake it makes him hurt feeling the heavy in unknown reason. He don't want to avoid the older but he was tired hiding his feelings for almost three years on Jake. He choice to avoid the older afraid that out of nowhere he will just spill his feelings towards Jake. He was afraid to be rejected by Jake he can't stand it just thinking of that he was already hurt. He was also hurt that Jake was pushing him to like the girl he like. Sunghoon know that Jake was hurting because Bomi like him and not jake. But know he is hurting because of Jake.

They all look the door when someone knock it's open and it's show Jake head peeking. They got nervous wondering if Jake heard them. Jake smile first acting that he haven't heard anything.

"Guys the food just arrived let's go eat before they eat all the food there." Jake said jokingly. The three men who was nervous nodded in chorus.

They eat now Jake and Sunghoon was silent thoughts wondering. While the others bickering because the food. Jake wonder of what he just heard earlier.

'So he also have feelings on me? But when? He should've tell me'

While Sunghoon wonder if Jake heard what they've talk earlier he glance at Jake. Jake was just playing at his pizza stabbing it with a fork while pouting. Poor pizza. A small smiled appeared on Sunghoon mouth.

"Okay let's just plan tommorow of what we gonna do on my birthday I'm so tired because of the homework we do and I know you want to rest too. But let's just watch some movies it's still early to sleep." Jay said after drinking a soft drinks.

They all now settled on there own comfortable position. Jake was in the end of the sofa and he was sitting next to Sunghoon because they were force to sit next each other.

The movie was now starting but Jake focus wasn't in the movie but in the boy who was sitting next to him and they're arms was touching and it's make Jake heart beat without any reason. He wanted to glance to Sunghoon but he was afraid that the younger catch him glancing at him so he just focus his attention on the movie but his thought still on Sunghoon. Jake leaned his head on the sofa. Later on Jake was drifted to dreamland.

Jake wake up in the middle of the night he can feel the hands of someone hugging his waist. He can't see the face of the person because his back was facing that person. And he will not lie he like the warmth it give to him. He like how he feel so safe on this embrace. So he decided to face this person at first he can't clearly see the face because the light was off but because of the light of the moon that was entered on the window he can now see who's face it is. He was shock to see that the person is Sunghoon sleeping so peacefully his heart beat again wildly that it's make him scared thinking that he might awake the the boy who has a prince charming face. So he tried to relax and finally his heart go back to normal beat.

He stared to Sunghoon face admiring how he look so handsome while sleeping. 'Its that even possible he was sleeping but he manage to be so handsome.' He complain to his self. He noticed the the two moles on Sunghoon face that it's just added to his handsomeness. The lips that perfectly made. The eyelashes that not so long and not so short but was perfect because it's suit to him. His eyebrows that thick was perfectly engraved on his face and his pointed nose. God really has favoritism.

He left his hand to Sunghoon face he trace the eyebrows to his nose now going down to Sunghoon lips. He was hesitating to touch the lips of Sunghoon but do it though. 'Its so soft' Jake thought.

Jake didn't know that Sunghoon was awake since he move to face Sunghoon. He just feeling what Jake doing and he can feel that Jake was staring at him at it's making him crazy just like his heart. Then after a second he feel Jake hands on his face thankfully he didn't flinch. His breath stop feeling the soft hand of the older until he feel that Jake was touching his lips. Sunghoon can't take this anymore. He catch the wrist of Jake and open his eyes. Jake was starled.

They were now staring each other. Sunghoon eyes was landed on Jake lips without any further do Sunghoon pulled Jake and he pressed there lips together.


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