7 || Close Friends, Besties, Good Pals, Buddies

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A/N: Lmfao I was so distracted by Security breach subreddit & Markiplier and Crankgameplays vids that I forgot to publish omg I'm so sorry 💀💀

It's 11 pm for me so I technically still published it on Dec 25 (sorry to yall how are seeing this update on Dec 26)

I might change the cover of the book since I noticed someone has the same pic 👀
Alsooo should I change Mr. Smith's name? That name sounds overused ://

I didn't proofread this shit wheeeee


12:00 AM

You were excited to spend some time with your favorite grouch that your cheeks started to hurt from smiling too much. You entered the daycare and saw them cleaning up after the kids.

"MOONYYYY!!" You yelled with your arms outstretched ready to give them a hug. But you were stopped by a hand on your forehead, holding you back from coming any closer.

"Oh c'mon Moony, give your bestie a hug!"

"Bestie?" they queried. You ignored it and continued to annoy them.

"Let's start some shenanigans!!"


"Well, my boss instructed me to watch over you, and I wanna spend time with my bestie. We're friends now, aren't we?" The animatronic was slightly taken aback by this. They didn't think you were serious about claiming them as your new best friend. They've never had a proper friend before. It was always them and Sunrise, but it was hard to have a conversation with each other since, well... you know. Why would you willingly want to be friends with them? Could it be that you don't mind their pessimistic attitude...?

"I once tested the "no tears" baby shampoo by rubbing it in my eyes... There were a lot of tears."

Or perhaps it was because you were dense. Maybe they could give this friendship thing a chance...

They let out an exasperated sigh and began to speak, "Fine, what exactly did you have in mind for 'spending time together'?"

Your face lit up and you slightly bounced on your heels.

"Well... what are your thoughts on bowling?"




"Woahh, Are you sure you've never bowled before, Moony??" You exclaimed as you watched them get their 5th strike.

"That's a five-bagger!!"

"A what?"

"Y'know, that's what you call it when you get 5 strikes in a row. How are you this good but don't know any bowling terms?" You pouted as it was your turn to knock down the pins. Alas, the bowling ball rolled to the gutter, leaving you with no points and Moondrop with a smug smile.

"Hey, what's that?" You pointed to what looked like a mechanical skeleton.

"Oh. That's an endoskeleton. How did that get here..." they muttered the last part, but it was still loud enough for you to hear.

"So... wanna ask if he wants to join us?"

"Why would you even suggest that?"

"He looks lonely..."

"...whatever, just don't look away from it."

"Why not?" You looked away to face them with a confused expression on your face.

[EDITING UNDERGOING] ♡𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒍𝒅-𝑭𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒚♡Where stories live. Discover now