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A/N: This takes place when Dave had to deal with Moondrop
Got the idea for this bonus scene from a comment by tallweeb

Dave walked around the Daycare trying to find any sign of the Moon animatronic.

"I swear to god, how does Y/N deal with these things..." he was about to turn back when the Sun animatronic came out of nowhere.

"HI THERE!!" this startled Dave and the animatronic chuckled nervously.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..."

"Jesus Christ... wait, where's the moon guy?"

"Uhm- I-It's best if we don't disturb him. He can get a little... aggressive."

Dave stayed silent. He was skeptical of the sun animatronic but he guessed if there was no need to check on the moon then the less work he has to do.

"Fine... I guess I'll take my le-" the sun blocked his path and started waving his arms in a mesmermizing way.

"How about we do some fingerpainting?? Or maybe drink fizzyfazz! Oh! Do you like glitter glue?!" Dave slowly backed up to get away from the animatronic but...

*S P L A T*

He felt something squishy underneath his shoe. He slowly raised his foot up to see caramel substance connecting his shoe to the floor.

"Ew, what the fu-"

"Oh dear! What a mess!" the sun exclaimed. Once they got closer they stiffened.

"Oh no... quickly! We need to clean this up!" Sundrop frantically looked for the cleaning supplies but Dave was confused about the animatronic's sudden uneasiness.

"God, don't tell me this is another one of Y/N's snickers... we've been finding these chocolates everywhere in the megaplex."

The sun found the cleaning supplies and desperately tried to scrub the chocolate from the floor.


"What the hell are you talking about?"



"You don't understand! This was the first thing Moondrop was ever given! You don't know how much it meant to him!!"

The first time Moondrop slapped the snicker out of your hand, they secretly kept it when you weren't looking.

The moon always carried your snicker around. Just that morning they lost it somewhere in the daycare and they were crankier than usual.


"No! I'm not throwing away my footwear just because that moon robot dropped their chocolate on the floor."

"Then you better clean it!! If we leave just one drop of evidence that you stepped on the chocolate, then we're both dead! Mostly you but I helped you cover it up which makes me an accomplice! Not good... not good..." for a moment it looked like Sundrop had war flashbacks but they quickly shook their head and continued to clean the mess.

"It's not like it's gonna-"

The lights suddenly flickered making Sun stop cleaning and look around in a panic.

"Nonono! I didn't even have time to replace it! Ru-" they were cut off from trying to fight back the transformation but they couldn't stop it.

The lights went out and the Moon made an appearance.



"Who are you?"

"Uhm... Dave."

"Well, 'Uhm Dave', where's Y/N? Why are you here?"

"She's sick. I'm taking her shift for tonight."

"Sick?" the animatronic scanned Dave from top to bottom and the results showed a lot of sugary substance on the employee's shoe.

"Ugh, did you even bother to get clean shoes before coming to wo-" Their eyes landed on a snicker wrapper on the floor. They picked it up and noticed that it still had some chocolate inside. It was squished, though.

'Wait..' they started putting the pieces together.

Squished snicker...

Sugary substance on Dave's shoe...

Cleaning supplies nearby...




"You... Y O U L I T T L E-"


A/N: Updated February 2, 2022
owo what is this??
Moondrop accepted your snickers the whole time and was just acting like a lil bitch?!

Might be inactive for a while since parent-teacher conference is coming up and I'm definitely gonna get slaughtered

Might be inactive for a while since parent-teacher conference is coming up and I'm definitely gonna get slaughtered

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