10 || Fuck you, Dave

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A/N: Pshh Proofreading? Never heard of them✋


11:30 PM

Freddy POV

We were all told to gather on the main stage for a small announcement.

"Psst Freddy, what do you think the manager will have to say?" Chica asked.

"I am unsure. It must be important since the Daycare Attendant is here." I glanced at the Sun animatronic, who looked to be deep in thought. It was rare for him to attend meetings.

"Hello, everyone!" Mr. Smith came in with an employee following behind him.

"I'd like you all to meet Dave! He'll be watching over you guys for tonight!"

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"What about Y/N?? Isn't this her job!?" Dave complained.

"Unfortunately, Y/N can't come to work today."

"What do you mean she 'can't come to work today'?! I wanted a rematch with her on Guitar Hero!"

"I wanted to try new recipes with her..."

"I wanted to show off my trophies to show her how amazing I am!"

"I was hoping to talk more with her..."

"Y/N came down with a fever. She kept rambling about a rat, but I'll look into that later. For now, be nice to Dave. Think of him as a temporary Y/N!"


"No one can be as fun as Y/N."

"Yeah, can he even do a backflip?"

"I bet he can't trip on air."

"Guys, I said to be nice." Mr. Smith said in a stern voice.

Meanwhile with Y/N~

"Aprillll" you groaned in a sickly manner.


"I'm sIcK."

"Wow really? I totally didn't notice from all the hacking and sneezing you've been doing all day!"

You were in the bathroom, coughing out the phlegm in your throat while having this conversation with your sister.


"Oh shit April, check this out! My phlegm is so thick and slimy."

"Eww Y/N, I don't wanna know what your catarrh looks like!! Go to sleep, it's almost midnight."

"Midnight?! I'm s'posed to be at work!!"

"You're not going anywhere! I'm sure your boss has someone to stand in for you."

Back at the megaplex~

"Come on you stupid wolf, just let me fix your hair!" Dave snapped at the animatronic.

"I'm not letting your greasy hands go anywhere near me! Only Y/N can touch my hair!"

"Well, Y/N isn't here now, is she? Just let me finish this task and I can leave you alone!"

It was a game of cat and mouse. When Dave was close to getting the brush near her, she would jump away, making Dave bump into nearby objects. This went on for a while before Dave lost his patience and grabbed onto her tail. He harshly tugged it, and a yelp escaped the animatronic's mouth.

He roughly brushed her hair while muttering a string of curses. Once he finished, Roxanne pulled her tail back to her and caressed it. She glared at the male, only for him to roll his eyes.

[EDITING UNDERGOING] ♡𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑶𝒍𝒅-𝑭𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒐𝒚♡Where stories live. Discover now