Chapter 7: Fire VS Wind

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Red Son felt like he was inferior to all. Mainly because he had lost his sight as the wind blew through his air before Mei abruptly stopped her bike, causing Red Son to fall onto the ground. "OOF!"

Mei gasped and quickly hopped off her bike, scooping up Red Son. "Okay, you're okay! You'll be fine!" She said before rushing into her house, ignoring her security system.

Red Son tried to look around...but he couldn't see. So, there wasn't much luck.

Mei kept running and running around her house, looking through all the ancient artifacts that her parents and family had collected over the years before gasping and grabbing a bottle filled with glowing green liquid, which had the words 'Healing Balm' written in Chinese.

"Oh, thank The Buddha!" Mei said before rushing to Red Son, who she had set down. "Okay! This...okay, this might be extremely painful!"

Red Son's gray and white eyes widened. "WHAT?!"

"I'm sorry!" Mei said as she splashed the Healing Balm across Red Son's eyes.

Red Son began to scream, violently thrashing around and his hair bursting into flames. "THE PAIN! OH, GOD, THE PAI-" He then blinked...there actually WAS no pain.

Mei blinked as well before laughing. "Or maybe it'll be fine?"

"I hate you." Red Son snarled before hearing someone else smash through the security system.

Feng then stepped in, his dark green hair out of its style and rapidly blowing around, his yellow eyes glowing. He pointed The Dragon Staff at her before growling and sending a giant gust of wind at the two.

Red Son and Mei cried out as they flung across the house, along with multiple artifacts and antiques being smashed or falling on the floor. Mei's back slammed against the wall, while Red just landed on his stomach on a fake horse mannequin with armor on it.

Feng laughed before flying over to Mei, taking out the Dragon Staff and swinging it towards Mei, who quickly blocked the attack with the Dragon Blade.

The two weapons began clashing against each other, with Feng using his wind to his advantage to either block attacks or send Mei flying.

Mei crashed against a vase and pedestal, but she quickly got back up and pointed her sword at him, and a green energy beam fired from it.

Feng dodged the beam, but was then hit by two other energy beams also fired from Mei's sword. He growled before zooming over to Mei, hitting her in the face with his staff. He then spun around the staff before jabbing it into her chest and headbutting her onto the floor with his horns.

Mei cried out in pain, still not letting go of her sword. She tried to get up, but Feng stepped on her back.

Feng laughed. "I can't wait to bash in your head-"

Mei then swung her sword upwards, slashing Feng across the leg. Feng cried out in pain, stepping off her and then immediately getting slashed across the face TWICE. Mei grinned before jabbing her sword forward, blasting Feng across the room.

Feng cried out as he was sent flying, but as he flew, he was blasted AGAIN. And then AGAIN. And again. And again. And again. Mei kept blasting him until he was out of the house.

Mei breathed heavily before running to Red Son. "Did it work?!"

"I...I'm slowly beginning to see." Red Son said as he got back up, stumbling around, growling. "This demon is starting to annoy me."

"I'll kick him in the balls again!" Mei laughed, charging towards Feng.

Red Son was about to follow her, but still couldn't see, tripped over his own leg, and fell flat on his face.

Mei jumped in the air, above Feng, ready to slam her sword down before she was blasted in the face with massive amounts of wind. She cried out, dropping her sword as she was blinded. She fell into the Pool of A Thousand Tears, easily going underwater.

Feng laughed, getting up and grabbing the Dragon Blade. "That was easy. Too easy...meh." He said before whistling, happily walking away with both weapons in hand.

But then, a fireball blasted him in the back and he cried out, dropping both the Dragon Staff and Dragon Blade. He growled, reaching for the Dragon Blade until he was blasted in the back again.

Red Son then dove into the Pool of A Thousand Tears, the water splashing around. He came back 20 seconds later, gasping for air as he threw Mei onto the ground. He then blasted himself out of the water and onto Feng, blasting him a final time.

Feng roared in pain, but flew high into the air, blowing more of his wind at him, but the Boy Sage King dodged.

Red Son then teleported beside him, and kicked the Yellow Wind Demon in the face before tackling him.

The Yellow Wind Demon roared before he fell into the water, hitting his head against the bridge's railing first.

Red Son breathed heavily before running to Mei. "Mei?! MEI!"

Mei coughed, spitting out water before opening her eyes. She was now the blind one. "...R-Red...I can't see..."

Red Son quickly teleported over to the Healing Balm, grabbed it and teleported back. He then quickly splashed the rest of it into her eyes. "There. Now hurry and heal before-"

The water then SPLASHED across the home of Mei before Feng flew high into the air, looking more pissed off than ever.

"I'LL SEND YOUR FATHER YOUR HEAD!!!" He roared, sending out another giant gust of wind at them.

Red Son quickly teleported, saving Mei again and breathing heavily.

"I gotta save your life for a change!" Mei said, her eyes slowly returning to normal and she flipped out of his arms, quickly running over to grab her Dragon Blade.

Red Son ran beside her and the two sent a combined blast of green and red fire at The Yellow Wind Demon.

The Yellow Wind Demon gasped before he screamed in pain, his face burning. The fire was too much and he reverted into his true form...a mink?

Mei and Red Son watched him fall onto the ground and quickly crawl away like the little mammal he was.

"That...was unexpected." Red Son said.

Mei just laughed. "Something so small blinded us! That's actually pretty funny!" She then hugged Red Son tightly. "You saved me multiple times again! That's a hero in my book!"

Red Son...blushed, but slowly hugged back. "I...suppose so."

Then? A car parked in and Mei shrieked. "MY PARENTS."

Red Son broke the hug and teleported away. The wrath of a demon was one thing...but the wrath of angry parents was something he should avoid at all costs.


"MEI, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HOUSE?!" Her father and mother screamed.

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