Chapter 12

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"Um... What are we doing here, Diana?" Lydia ask me while looking around her surrounding. Normally, anyone would be afraid and wary if you are in the most dangerous part of Azgul. The slum is lawless place where criminals, bandits, mercenaries and homeless people live here but instead of being scared, her eyes are full of curiosity and fearless. I think the excitement still lingers when we rode on Nyx.

It was funny to see all their surprise faces when they thought that we rode a magic carpet but it was just Nyx being invisible and I just cover him with a normal carpet that the maids were planning to throw away. Perfect illusion if I say so myself! Good job me! Before we separated, I just told them to meet up at the center plaza in front of the magnificent clock. By now, they will be arriving at the city soon so we should hurry or else Lord Dylan would kill me if anything happens to Lydia.

"I met someone by chance who lived here. I made a ridiculous request and was informed that its already finished." The people were staring too much at us, maybe because of Lydia. I guess they were all mesmerize by Lydia's beauty and I glare at those people who have malicious intent. Better safe than sorry.

"Dia!" a young boy who are wearing a dirty and worn out clothes. I brought him clothes and shoes last time I visited him but he didn't wear it. I happily open my arms to hug him.

"You played too much, Ren. Where's Emi?" I ask him. Instead of answering me, he look at behind me so I introduce him to Lydia and he also hug her. This kid! ((╬●∀●)

"Ren give back what you stole from her. You can have that pouch, it's my payment for your Emi anyway." He gave the pendant, earrings, and money back to her before running away.

"I'm sorry about that Lydia. He didn't mean no harm, it's his way of survival when he's still alone."

"Where's his parent?" She seem to understand when I reply to her by smiling bitterly and she quickly apologize.

"No need to apologize. I also ask him when I first met him stealing from me." I still remember his exact words that it feels like I was looking at my past self. He's saying that he didn't know if he has or if they are still alive. The saddest thing he said was that he is fine on his own and he doesn't need a parent.

 When we arrive at Ren's home, we were greeted by Emi. She is like Ren's mother. I introduce the two to each other while Ren is hiding behind her.

"Here, Dia. The things you ask." I checked the bag and put a protection spells on it.

"Your craft is as beautiful as always Emi. Ren already have my payment and tell your husband to meet me soon. You better stop stealing Ren or you won't be an adventurer like Linus." Emi look at him with so much love. I pray for your safety and hope that Linus will go home soon to save you, Ren.

"Dia you snitch!!!" Ren yell at me. I immediately drag Lydia to leave before Emi starts showering him with her deadly love.

"They are wonderful people. I was wary at first because my family especially my brother warned me not to go to dangerous places. Never judge a book by its cover is what that place prove me." Lydia said as we are flying on our way to our meeting place. She is  really kind, compassionate and somewhat naïve that she's seeing good in everything despite what she been through.  What her family said was right, it's better to safe and be wary of your surrounding no matter where you are even your own home can be the most dangerous place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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