Imagine seven

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• Imagine getting attacked by paps. •

You and Justin had plans to go out for lunch that afternoon, so as soon as you were ready to leave you and Justin lock up the house and begin to walk to short distances from Justin's house to the cafe. It was only a couple blocks or so.

You were walking down the street hand and hand laughing and talking when you notice a group of girls following you. You guys chuckle at how they begin to fangirl, because of how they found Justin.

Justin pulls you both to a sudden stop, "Babe do you mind if I meet those beliebers before we head to lunch?" He asked as he turns to look at them and then back at you.

Of course you didn't mind so you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and told him you would meet him at the cafe.

As you begin to walk down the street you soon feel a pair of strong hands wrap around your waist. "Be careful please." Justin whispers in your ear as he kisses your temple and turns and walks to the group of girls.

You smile and look down as you feel your cheeks heat up. You loved how he cared so much about you. You continue to walk once again only making it a block or so before getting interrupted.

You hear your name being called so you stop and turn to look, you notice a group of at least ten paps getting closer to you. You roll your eyes and turn and keep walking. You only have one block left until you reach the restaurant so you try and ignore them the best you can.

As you being walking you hear them start to shout mean and nasty things your way for example, "Are you still dating Justin? I don't get why he even bothers with a gold digger like you." "Your just a whore. You've probably fucked all of his friends already." And those were just a couple of the things they were saying.

You try and walk faster but one of the paps grab your arm and pulls you back. "How did Justin snatch up a girl like you? Huh?" You try and free your arm but he just grips onto it tighter.

"Let me go." You say as you once again try to free your arm along with trying to take a step back.

"Where do you think your going cutie?" The pap asked with a nasty grin plastered onto his face.

"Please let me go." You beg. "Nah I think I'm gonna hold onto you sweetheart." He says as his nasty breath hit your face. You cringe at how close he's gotten.

"Please just let me go. I'll give you a picture. A comment. Just please let me go." You say as you once again try and free your arm. You start to feel tears swell up.

"I don't want a picture baby, I want you." He said as he pulled you closer to himself. You start to cry.

"Oh baby don't cry. I'll make you feel good. Better then Bieber can." He says as all the other paps laugh as they begin to get closer around you.

You try and pull away again but this time you lose your balance and fall to the ground hitting your head pretty hard.

You close your eyes one from the hard fall and also from the bright sunlight in your eyes. The next thing you know you feel two strong arms around your waist, lifting you up off the ground.

You open your eyes to find Fredo helping and holding you up. "Shh (Yn) everything is gonna be alright. We got you." "Where's Justin? Justin!" You say as more tears spill down your face.

"He's okay. He's dealing with those fucking paps." He says as he starts to pull you in the opposite direction.

Justin's POV

I finish up with meeting my beliebers and begin my way down the street to the cafe. As I turn the corner I see (Yn) being surrounded by paps. One of the paps grabs (Yn), she begins to plead and beg for him to let her go, but he wont. My blood starts to boil. Who the fuck does he think he is? No one touches (Yn).

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