Chapter 2 - Suspisions

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Author's Note: We'd love to hear who you think the Sith is after this chapter! =D And keep in mind that just because Dooku said it was a Jedi, doesn't mean it is. He could have been lying, or misinformed. >:) Anyway, looking forward to see what you think. =D 

~ Tirana Sorki

The funeral is held the next day. Ahsoka is beyond shaken up over the incident, because if the Jedi can't even be safe in the inner parts of their home, where is safe? The images replay over and over in her mind as if taunting her, a reminder of how she or Anakin or someone close to her could be next.

Who's next? Who else will die in the Sith's mad attempt at an ascent to power?

Even as confident as Ahsoka is that they can find and destroy the Sith, that does little to quell her rising fears. More people will die, of that she is certain, but who?

Unsurprisingly, Master Yoda is very quiet. He looks sad, more so than Ahsoka's ever seen him, and it makes her heart ache in a strange way. Of course, he's upset; this is the Order he built, and it's being destroyed from the inside out.

Aayla seems extremely quiet and withdrawn as well, and very tense. There's an almost calculatingly look in her eyes as she repeatedly glances around the room. What's going on with her anyway? Given she was in the immediate area of the attack, Ahsoka almost couldn't blame her, but after what happened with Barriss... she can't trust anything. Is it because she, too, is shaken up, or was she somehow involved? Ahsoka doubts someone like Aayla, of all people, could be the master of the Sith, but... that doesn't automatically mean they aren't working together.

But it's not Aayla who's really catching Ahsoka's attention right now. It's Fisto. He's completely on edge and being extremely jumpy. She doesn't miss the slightly wary looks he keeps shooting people. Not like a Sith could act so obviously and remain hidden, but it's almost as though he knows something of extreme importance that he won't say.

Obi-Wan talked to both Fisto and Aayla about what they saw, and they both maintained to have seen nothing. They were within the vicinity of the attack, and when they sensed the danger in the Force, they had gone to investigate. By the time they got there, it was already too late. They didn't see anything or anyone around. So, why are they both acting like this?

As soon as the funeral is over, Aayla pulls her hood up over head, disappearing out of the room without another word to anyone. Fisto throws another glance around the room, his gaze lingering on her, Obi-Wan, and Anakin for a moment longer before he soon slips off into the dispersing crowd, and she loses sight of him.

Something isn't right, and Ahsoka doesn't like the feeling at all. "Does anyone else think that..." she begins hesitantly.

"That they're both acting weird?" Anakin finishes, and she nods.

"I noticed as much," Obi-Wan murmurs thoughtfully, "We should speak with Master Yoda and Windu."

Within the hour, the trio are gathered in Yoda's quarters, with Windu present as well. "Have you found anything?" Windu gets right to the point.

Ahsoka's gaze darts between the Grandmaster and the Korun master, some hysterical part of her mind screaming about what if Windu actually was the Sith. Then they'd be literally telling him all of their plans and everything. But if he was, wouldn't Yoda sense it? Although, he didn't even sense that Sidious was on Coruscant for years or that apparently there is a traitorous Jedi in their midst, so no, there's no reason to believe Yoda would have noticed anything amiss. The fact that these things can be so easily hidden from the Grandmaster, the most powerful and skilled Jedi ever, makes her even more on edge. How does she even know who she can trust anymore? The only ones she knows she can rely on – in a building full of thousands of people – are Anakin and Obi-Wan. Force, she doesn't even know about Master Plo.

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