Chapter 7 - In The End

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Author's Note: I've wanted to do a Sith Yoda story for literally forever, so I figured why not do it as a mystery. :D

Anyway, that aside, I also figured that Sith Yoda would be just like Jedi Yoda. Regardless of their own personal feelings, they always put their principles first. So I think Sith Yoda liked Anakin about as much as Jedi Yoda did, but that doesn't mean either of them were... **coughs** terribly nice to him, especially when it came to things about him Falling. Seriously.

And yes, the way Yoda's been keeping the Order, I couldn't help but think it made way too much sense if he WAS a secret Sith in canon, though that obviously isn't the case. XD

Anyway, enjoy the closure. Maybe, if you can. =) 

~ Tirana Sorki

And thank you all so, so much for taking the time read, vote, and/or comment on this story! Because of how much attention this fic received, we've decided to write more Sith Mysteries! The second Sith Mystery will be released on March 25 (Force willing). The title is Identity Crisis. I hope y'all enjoyed this fic enough to maybe check that one out too! :D

~ Amina Gila

The realization that everything he's ever believed just been overturned is only starting to sink into Obi-Wan's mind as he forces himself up again, struggling to shake off the effects of the Sith lightning. He throws a glance at Vos's still form lying on the floor, another one of the Jedi he knew so well gone because of the war, because of this Sith Master. Because of Yoda, the one Jedi Master he always respected above everything.

He never realized a betrayal could sting this much. None of it makes any sense, but there's no time to try and sort through it. He needs to keep fighting.

As he stands up shakily, he looks around to see that Yoda seems to have vanished. "What's going on?" demands Mundi, scanning the room.

"Yoda is the Sith," Windu answers shortly.

"That's impossible!" protests Tiin, as exclamations of shock and disbelief ripple through the others.

"He is –" Obi-Wan's eyes widen as he catches sight of the all too familiar green figure flying silently through the air, "Look out!" The warning is shouted a second too late.

His lightsaber activates as he falls, lopping off Kolar's head as he flies past the others, hitting the ground in front of them.

If Obi-Wan had even thought for a moment – which he definitely did – that having all these other Jedi Masters here would help them, he was wrong. It's certainly making things more difficult for Yoda, since no matter where he jumps, another Jedi is waiting to attack, but it's not slowing him down. He never seems to make a single wrong move that could allow anyone to have a chance at injuring him.

They need to bide their time, somehow, until someone finds an opening. It seems impossible.

All of the lightsabers are moving in a blinding blur of blue, green, and purple, and Obi-Wan can't keep track of anyone but himself as he goes to join the fight again, trying to pinpoint Yoda's location for more than a moment. The most he can really do is stay constantly on alert, defending himself against an occasional attack thrown his way, while trying to stay out of everyone else's way too. The hall is too small for so many people to fight properly, and the Sith certainly isn't hesitating to take advantage of the situation.

He leaps up to the ceiling again, dropping down on Tiin's head. Shaak Ti and Mundi, the two closest Jedi Masters, immediately whirl around to attack him, but he promptly jumps off again, ducking Shaak Ti's blade, his own impaling her through the chest as he throws Mundi aside with the Force.

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