
994 10 4

Original creator: Waygetter Electronics

Books used in: Mama Likes you!

First debute: Mama likes you!

Type: Headcannon/creature

Changes made: biology

Why this was created: seemed fun to take a robot pet and make it a real creature.

~~~~[biology includes]~~~~

● colorful tattletails (commonly purple, yellow, blue) often travel in herds, normally led by a brown tattletail.

● brown tattletails are larger and more aggressive.

● baby tattletails are called 'tattlecubs'

● colorful tattletails are known to talk more then their brown counterparts.

● Colorful tattletails are mostly known to eat things that range from wild berries to human food while Brown tattletails are carnivorous.

● There is a 2% chance of a male or female of the litter to grow into a brown tattletail.

● Although rare, a rainbow or brown tattletail will give birth to a multi-colored tattletail.

● female tattletails have pouches on their bellies like kangaroos

● litters can range from 3-5

● they are on adequate terms with their beaked counterparts.

● being bitten by a brown tattletail can turn you into one if not immediately treated.

● they are monogamous creatures, they mate for life.

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