That Girl's My Best Friend

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Chase’s POV:
Everyone has that one friend in their life that they know if they were to leave or if something was to happen to them, their life would be forever changed. For me, that friend just happens to be a girl that I have known since I was eight years old. She was my first friend when my parents moved us from Florida to North Carolina all those years ago. For nearly 30 years, Hadley Grace Sawyer had been the one constant in my crazy life. She’s seen me at my very best, at my absolute worst, and anything and everything in between. More times than not, she has been a pain in the ass -especially when it comes to my dating life since she always says that my taste in women leans towards the trashy side- and the source of my constant headaches but there is nothing about her that I would change. Well, maybe one thing but it was so big and scared the shit out of me so bad that I didn't even want to admit to myself that I had been in love with her since the age of eight.  

With blonde hair, blue eyes, and curves that just didn't know how to quit, the woman was the epitome of every red blooded man's deepest fantasies, mine included even though I was just now willing to admit it to myself. And that was just her beauty on the outside. What was on the side was a heart of gold that loved deeply, cared about those that she held close to her heart, and would give the shirt right off her back to anyone in need without even giving it a second thought. She really was the whole package. I was just too chicken shit to take the chance of telling her just how I felt. Because telling her that I was in love with her could either be the best thing that ever happened to me or the equivalent of armageddon meeting a zombie invasion. In other words, it would be so epically fucked up, that even the best writers on the planet couldn’t even think of enough descrtipive text to describe it. Which is why Hadley will always be nothing more than my best friend. 

Surprisingly enough, no one had put a ring on her finger yet. I knew it was only a matter of time before that day came and to be really honest, I don't even want to think about the day that she meets her forever. Because that will be the day that I know I missed my shot at true happiness. Anyone I spend my life with after her would be subpar. 

“Earth to Chasey!” said Hadley, pulling me from my thoughts. Looking up, I watched as cocked a hip to one side and began waving a half gallon of Jack Daniels gently side to side as she held two open Bud Lights in her other hand. My god, she was fucking beautiful. Dressed in ripped skinny jeans that hugs her legs like a second skin, one of my hoodies that she had confiscated at some point, and her hair pulled up into a messy bun, she looked fucking gorgous. “Are we drinking tonight or are we going to gaze into the fire as if it holds all the mysteries of the universe?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?” I asked sarcastically. 

“Well, it's not like Yogi has special porta-potties so…” said Hadley as she passed me one of the beers before plopping down into the adirondack chair next to mine. As soon as she sat, her cowboy boots landed in my lap as she reclined into the chair. “So, how long are you home for this time?”

“Of the road until Mid-January. Here at Mama’s until right after Christmas.” I said as I took a long pull from my beer. “Got to get back to Tennessee a few days after Christmas to get some studio time.”

“So I get you all to myself for almost a month?” she asked. Something in her tone had my heart beating faster. Maybe it was my thoughts from earlier playing tricks on my mind or maybe it was the moonshine Chad had slipped into everyone's water glasses at dinner but something about the hope in her voice had me wanting to believe that she wanted me around as more than just a friend. 

“Well, you have to share me with Mama, but yes.” I said, giving her a crooked grin. 

“Good. ‘Cause I sure have missed your ass.” she said with a smile as she tipped her beer bottle to her lips. I watched as she took a long pull from it, her throat working as she swallowed. The effect it had on me was not one that a man should feel for his best friend. Then again, when the best friend looked like Hadley, it was only natural for a man to react right? God, I was in deep shit when it came to my feelings for her. 

“Seems like I remember something about you owing me a day in your blind after that game of flip cup last time I was home. I fully intend on cashing in on that while I’m home.” I said, locking my rioting emotions down. 

“Chase Daniel, I did not agree to let you have my blind for the day.” she said loudly. Letting her feet fall from my lap, she sat up in her chair and waved her tiny finger at me. “You know good and damn well that I have been watching a monster buck out in that field all year. I love you and all but there is no way in hell I am letting you get that buck.”

“If you loved me, you would let me get him.” I said, giving her my best puppy dog look. In the past, anything I had wanted from her I’d gotten by just giving her that look.

“Cut that shit out. That sad puppy look might work for a whole hell of a lot of things, but hear me, and hear me good Chasey. You will not get that buck this year. He is mine! End of discussion.”

“Butttt Hadddleeeeyy…” I fake whined, knowing that it would irritate her. 

“Don't start up with that shit either. You sound like the damn 3 year olds in my pre-k class when they can't get their way.” she said, flopping back into her chair. I watched as she unscrewed the cap on the bottle of Jack and took a long pull before passing it in my direction. Taking a big gulp from the bottle, I didnt turn it down until I had at least made it bubble once. 

The two of us fell into a contented silence then, both of us seemingly happy to just be close to one another. I hadn't realized just how much I had missed home or Hadley until I’d pulled my truck into the driveway this morning. Mama’s house was always a place for me to recharge and clear my head. While I had made a home in Tennessee, North Carolina will forever be home.
Home is wherever Hadley is…. 
I could always count on my subconscious to put its two cents in.

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