The Ex's are Endless

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 Chase’s POV:
“Oh my god! What about that girl in Baton Rouge? Pretty sure she was related to Marie Laveau.” said Hadley, her speech slightly slurred from the alcohol we had both consumed. Speaking of, I lifted the bottle to take a long pull realizing that the two of us were about two-thirds finished with the bottle. We were both going to have one hell of headache in the morning. 

“Bullshit! Just because she was an herbalist, doesn't mean she was casting spells on folks.” I said loudly. Good thing the fire pit was a good way from Mama’s house or else she would be out here paddling both our asses for being so loud. 

“Then explain how you ended up with poison ivy the day after y’all broke up.” Hadley shot back. 

“Because Brian and Tyler wanted to go hunt fucking nutra’s in the middle if August. We hiked through the damn swap for hours and never found a damn one.” I said. Not going to lie, I had wondered if maybe she had put a curse on me a time or two myself. But there was no way in hell I was going to admit that to Hadley. “Its a wonder we didnt get eat up by fucking rattlesnakes.”

“Yeah, yeah.” said Hadley dismissively as she took the bottle from me. Taking another long pull, she started back in. “Well, how about that girl that worked at that bar on Broadway. What was her name? Sherry?”

“Stella,” I said with a groan, remembering the busty, over friendly girl that had been working the bar the night Hadley and I had graduated college. We had pulled into Nashville to party, hitting all the usual spots on Broadway that night. “And I think you know what happened there. She was just out to bag a signed artist so she could have a life of luxury. Since I wasn't looking to be a country star, she just kind of stopped answering my calls and texts. Rumor has it, Wallen wrote a song about her.” 

“No shit!” replied Hadley, breaking out in a fit of laughter. “That song is really blowing up on tiktok. Wish he would just release it already.”

“I told his ass he needed to the other day.” I said, nodding in agreement. “Anyways, enough with my ex’s. Why don't we start in on yours?” 

“Because yours are so much better.” she said sassily.

“Like hell. What about that guy you met at that fourth of July bash in Myrtle Beach the summer after college.”

“That asshat had me believing he was a freaking physical therapist. Didn't find out that he was a freshman in college until I ran into him when Dean Jones wanted me to help with new student registration that September.” said Hadley. 

“So you dumped him because of his age?” I said, knowing good and damn well that wasn't the case, but knowing that it would get a rise out of her. Hadley was feisty on a regular day. Add Jack Daniels to the mis and it was like her fuse was non-existent.

“Hell no. I dumped his ass because he was a lying piece of shit that was in a relationship with his highschool sweetheart.” said Hadley. “Plus, he had shrimp in his pants.” I watched as he lifted her pinky and began wiggling it. Uninvited, an image of Hadley in the throws of passion popped into my head, making my dick twitch with interest. 

“Jesus Christ Hads.” I said, begging for my brain to picture his shrimp dick rather than her back arched, mouth open, and hair disheveled. In that way that all men do, I adjusted cock, willing the pulsing appendage to go down. Any other time I would have been wearing jeans. Not tonight. Nope. I was in gray sweats and no boxers, which was making it damn hard to keep my erection from being noticed. 

“What? I don't know who said size doesn't matter. Obviously they had to have been a virgin because I'm not kidding when I say that my pinky is bigger than his dick.” said Hadley, once more turning the bottle up. 

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