Out of the Mouths of Kids

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Chase’s POV:
“I’m pretty sure the baby is going to come out doing this if we keep up like this for the next 9 months.” said Hadley as she tapped her finger against my forehead while her head rested on my chest. Damn woman knew what she had been doing when she ‘accidently’ dropped the honey down her naked chest, letting it slide stickly over her body. She knew that honey was my favorite flavor, but even I had to admit that mixing it with the taste of her, made it all the more better. Which was why there was no more honey in the house and no more hot water, at least not until it had a chance to heat back up. “Kid will probably end up with brain damage from you slamming the end of you cock into their soft skull.” 

“Didn't hear you complaining. In fact, I think I remember you telling me to go harder and faster. Maybe even deeper.” I said, as a tiny hand smacked me in the center of my chest, causing me to chuckle.

“Yeah well…” said Hadley, her voice tailing off.

Before I had a chance to come back with a smart reply, the ringing of my phone broke into our little bubble. Recognizing the ringtone immediately, I rolled to my side and grabbed the loudly ringing device from the bedside table before swiping the screen and putting it on speakerphone.

“Hey mama.” I said as a way of greeting as I tucked Hadley back into my side. 

“Hey baby boy. I’m assuming last night went well considering you never made it back home?” said Mama.

“Things could have gone better but rest assured, I got the girl in the end.” said Chase, glancing over at me remembering the not-so-finer moments of last night, adding a wink at the end. 

“Really? Well it's about dang time you two pulled your heads out of those stubborn rears.” said Mama. “I guess you realize that Hadley Grace isn’t dying now?”

“Yes ma'am.”  I said, unable to keep the smile out of my voice. “She told me everything.”

“Thank heavens. I thought I was going to burst from keeping that secret."
“Thank you for keeping your promise Ma.” said Hadley into the phone.

“Sweetheart, I always keep my promises, You know that. But that one, well it was hard not to scream that news from the rooftops.” said Mama. “Oh, you just wait until I see Helen at church on Sunday and tell her the good news. Best she takes back that statement she made a while back about Chase’s mental capacity when it came to his love life.”

“Ma, I think we're going to keep this under wraps for a while. I need to make a doctor's appointment and all before we start telling everyone. I mean we can tell Chad and Casey and my folks, but I was hoping to wait until after the first trimester to tell everyone. That way in case something was to happen, only the people closest to us would have known.” said Hadley.

“Is something wrong? You're not cramping are you? No spotting right” said Mama panicky. Not going to lie, even just hearing Hadley mention the fact that something could happen to the baby had me freaking out just a little.

“No ma'am. None of the above. But everything I had read says that if anything was going to happen, it was more likely for it to happen in the first 12 weeks. After that, it's still possible it less likely.” said Hadley. 

“Oh thank heavens.” said mama with a relieved sigh. “You scared the holy bejeezus out of me sweetheart.”

“Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.” said Hadley.

“Mama, how about we make it up to you by coming over tonight and having a movie night? We can tell you how everything went last night and just spend some time together.” I said.

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