If it wasn't for the Almost Maybes

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Hadley's POV:
I was sitting at my desk finishing up some paperwork that needed to be turned into the office, only half concentrating because my mind kept drifting back to Chase. It seemed to be doing that a lot lately but I wasn't complaining because according to him, he thought about me with just as much frequency. It's been a few weeks -three to be exact- since Chase went back on the road. And to say I missed him was the understatement of the damn century. It amazes me that prior to us sleeping together and becoming a couple, I could go weeks at the time barely talking to him but now, if I have to go more than a few hours, I start to get panicky. Not that I thought Chase would ever cheat on me. He was too good of a person to do that. But that didn't mean that there wouldn't be women that tried to get him to take them to his bus or those dreaded paparazzi photos that always seemed to catch moments in the worst angels, making things look ten times worse than what they really were. And that's when the photos hadn't been doctored.

Lucily, we hadn't had to deal with any of those types of photos yet but it was just a matter of time. Those damn paparazzi were always looking to see who the lucky woman was in his life since he liked to keep his private life separate from his career so he'd had to be extra careful since we had not gone public with our relationship yet. Not that we didn't want to. Honestly, I would stand on top of One World Trade Center and scream how much I loved Chase so that all the world knew that he was mine. But it was just nice to have this little escape, just the two of us and our closest family and friends knowing what we were to each other. Neither of us were ready to give that up yet.

"Hey Hads. you have a visitor up at the front office." said Darla, one of my coworkers and the kindergarten teacher in the room next to me.

"Who is it?" I asked, truly curious who would be visiting me here at my job. If it had been either of my parents, they would have just come down to the classroom since it was after school hours. Same with any of my students' parents.

"Miss Dot didn't say. Just said that you had a visitor and that if I was coming this way, to let you know. Something the phone lines being down or something." said Darla.

"Okay." I said, stacking my papers and standing from my desk. Grabbing my sweater off the back of my chair, I threw it on to break the chill that I knew would be in the halls since maintenance always aired the building out after school to help the fumes from the cleaning supplies exit the building.

As I neared the office, I didn't see anyone there with Miss Dot. Maybe whoever it was that wanted to see me decided that they didn't need to see me after all. But since I was up here, it was a good time to check my mailbox since I hadn't been up here all day other than when I clocked in this morning.

"Hey Miss Dot. Darla said I had a visitor?" I said as I strolled into the office, heading straight for my mailbox.

"Sure do," said a male voice that sent a shiver down my spine, but in the most delicious of ways. Turning fast, I saw Chase sitting in one of the chairs in the office. Before I even realized I was moving, I felt his arms wrap around me, lifting me off my feet and spinning me in a slow circle just as his lips landed on mine. He tasted of mint and Chase -my favorite combination. Breaking the kiss, I rested my forehead against his. "What are you doing here? I thought you had a show in West Virginia tonight."

"I do," he said softly. "But it's only 3 hours away and I couldn't resist the chance to see my favorite girl and my little peanut. Plus, Kane has promised to cover for me if I end up being a little late."

"Well thank god for Kane." I said, realizing that we were still standing in the office. Wigging so I could get down, I slid down his body and laced my fingers with his when my feet hit the floor.

"Are you done for the day? I have about an hour to spend with you before I have to get on the road." said Chase.

"She's done now," said Miss Dot with a smile on her face. "You two get out of here. Oh and son, I'm glad to see that you two finally came to your senses. I knew years ago that you two would end up together." Miss Dot had been the receptionist at the elementary school since Chase and I had been kids here nearly thirty years ago. Miraculously, she remembered almost every single student that passed through the front doors.

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