Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part One

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I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late.

Lynn's head screamed at her as she dashed down the street while stuffing the final bites of her breakfast burrito into her mouth.

Why did she have to stay up so late reading? Why did her main character have to get kidnapped by pirates on the page she promised to close the book? Why did the author have to make every chapter a cliffhanger? It was absolute torture to have to put down the story right after the duke declared his love for the maiden - only to be discovered by the crew, gagged, and thrown into a dark cell for rats to eat his brains out!

A series of car horns pierced through the morning traffic as Lynn darted down the crosswalk whose accompanying signal was not green. Sprinting through the plaza, she accidentally knocked over a rack of displayed blouses on sale, and an angry voice yelled expletives behind her.

"Sorry Mrs. Lenin!" she called, too much in a hurry to stop.

As much as she wanted to blame her book, as much as she wanted to point fingers at her faulty alarm clock, she knew she couldn't.

Her pace slowed a tad as her mind drifted back into the delightful moment of happiness when she opened the letter. Her mom was so proud of her, and she was too. In fact, they had been dancing in the kitchen together until her little brother finally pointed out the time.

Oh, how she had been waiting for an opportunity like this! Another surge of excitement filled her limbs, and she began to skip/dance along, weaving through the various poles and trees that decorated the sidewalk. The wind swept against her skin, pushing the dark strands of her straight hair away from her face.

"Laah-dee-dah-dee... Budubum..."

The tune danced within her until she spotted her favorite set of three-foot poles at the end of the street. If she turned the corner, the school would be just a block away. Her smile grew into a grin, and she began to run, gathering momentum to jump and skip across her lovely metal stumps.

"And I'll reach the stars! Fly 'till nothing can stop m-"

Suddenly, her world flipped as a heavy weight slammed into her body. She felt herself turning, flying through the air in a breath-taking moment of beauty. Then - she landed. The wondrous sensation fled as a fire drove through her skin, and a cry escaped as her body scraped across the hard cement.

Tears threatened to well as Lynn pushed herself slowly up from the sidewalk and cradled her arm, her teeth catching on her upper lip. A groan sounded beside her, causing her to turn around and encounter a blonde-haired model whose perfect face was creased in absolute horror.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! Are you okay?" he exclaimed, immediately scrambling toward her. She blinked, trying to shake away the shock of those bright blue eyes and smooth features that screamed beauty.

"Y-yeah, I'm totally fine! What happened? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I only got a couple scrapes and such. I am really sorry, though, I totally didn't see you coming! I just was running to hop across the flat poles when-"

"What?" Lynn cut in. The boy, or man, or whatever he was, blinked at her.

"I was going to jump on top of the stumped poles and walk across them, but you need a running start so-"

"Me too!" she exclaimed. He looked at her in confusion, then slowly his face spread into a heart-stopping grin.



"Waah! That is so cool! I can't believe we were doing the exact same thing - we are totally twins!"

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