Billionaire Love - Part Five

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Maximus held his breath, watching as the man's finger froze on the trigger.

Just get him away from her. Get them out of here. How do you do that, Max?

The boy shifted, the cold revolver burning through his chest. His breathing heightened. He didn't want to use it. But what else could he do?

Slowly, Keith rose, and relief flooded Maximus as he watched Clemein scramble away, her body curling up in a ball as she huddled near Gadsen. The young boy reached out, covering her hand as he met Max's gaze.

Do something.

"So you are finally agreeing to cooperate?" Keith's voice pierced through in amused pleasure, causing Maximus to step back. "Good job, boy. You're smarter than I thought you were."

Max cringed inside at the comment, his thoughts whirring, his mind searching desperately for an escape. Ten men surrounding. Two captives. One Keith. And a gun.

Well you're dead, his conscience bit.

Shut up, Max replied in exasperation. He glanced about the room, and was about to give up hope when the gleam of the silver pipes caught his eye. He stared at the labyrinth surrounding them, determination slowly filling his muscles.

"For someone who is agreeing, you seem a little quiet." Keith stopped in front of him, his mouth tipping in a thin-lipped smile. "Tell me, Maximus, will we be brothers once more? Or do I kill you where you stand?"

The boy met his gaze. "I will cooperate - on one condition."

Keith's grin wiped off his face. His eyes narrowed. "What is that?"

Max whipped out the revolver, holding the barrel against Keith's head as countless clicks - including his own - filled the air. The man watched in horror as a small, genuine smile played at the corner of the billionaire's lips.

"You'll have to catch me first."

He dropped, suddenly kicking Keith's feet out from under him as shots rang out. Immediately, white smoke tumbled into the air, fogging the room, creating confusion. But not fast enough. The boy dove for cover, bullets whizzing past his head as shouts echoed.



His breath caught in his throat as a man twice his size took hold of Clemein and Gadsen, forcing them towards the door in obvious means to escape. Without thinking, he lifted the revolver and pressed the trigger. The shot rang loud, penetrating his head, ringing his ears. More white mist cascaded from a nearby pipe, obscuring the doorway. The man cursed.

Yes! Invigorated by his success, Max cocked the gun again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

White spread everywhere, consuming the men, tumbling, shifting, rippling like water. Max caught sight of his friends one last time before the mist closed in, then he crouched, running through the chaos to find them.

Instinct kicked in, and it was almost like his sixth sense was guiding him through. His hearing magnified, his touch enhanced. He felt the heat of bodies, felt the small bumps of the cement beneath him. Curses littered the air, and he followed the voice, his heart beating, his adrenaline surging. Then came the whisper:


He lunged, grabbing Clemein's arm and pulling her behind him. The large man's growl came quick, and Max ducked just in time as the heat of his fist flew past.

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