Taming the Beast - Opening

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Description: Jane is a classic belle. Derin is a classic beast. And like 'classic' entails - the belle soon finds herself in a battle for her own heart. With a dash of dancing, a splash of hilarity, and one extremely awkward collision, what could go wrong?

Rating: PG - 13 for mild swearing and tension - filled moments

A/N:  This romance is for all those bad-boy lovers (though it is definitely not the typical--so don't freak out), and if you love dancing, awkward hilarities, and cuteness galore, dig in ;) And, oh! Don't read it with others in proximity if you want to be thought sane.


Oh, God. Kill me now.

Titters mingled with the suffocating silence as Jane rose from the floor, nervously pulling at her blue leotard. From behind, her partner began to rise as well and, with a clearing of the throat, began to speak - but the figure put up an unforgiving hand. Cold green eyes fixed on Jane, rooting her to the spot.

"No. I asked her - not you, clod. So answer my question: what shit did I just see?"

The girl swallowed, her chest pounding as tears began to well. She fought them.

"We presented a Modern dance that expressed romantic love," she replied, her voice shaking. "In accordance with what was required."

The man let out a bark of laughter, rising from his chair as he drilled his razor glare through Jane's vision. Yet he did not speak. The girl watched like a trembling mouse as the lion walked slowly towards her, letting each step hit with emphasis.

"Well I'm sorry, dear. I must be delusional. For what I witnessed was a willow of a girl going awkwardly through meaningless motions and half-hearted dance steps."

He stopped in front of her, and Jane was paralyzed by his nearness. Unlike any other man she'd known in dance, he towered over her 5'9" height, the masculinity of his presence seeping into the air as muscled arms crossed over each other. Black waves of hair fell heedlessly across his face as a strong jaw set harshly with his chiseled features. Time slipped by as he stared at her with those unnerving eyes.


Jane gasped as she snapped out of her trance. Averting her gaze, she tightly clasped her hands.

"I'm... I'm very sorry, Mr. Cain. I've just..." A sob began to well in her throat as emotions crowded in. "Everything's been going wrong this past week, it's like my life has dove through the mud and I can't... I can't concentra--"

"That is your excuse?" he snapped. "The show must go on, and if you can't perform for your audience because of a stupid boyfriend then you don't belong here."

Hurt sliced through her chest. "Even at the death of a family member?"

The man froze, a fury rising in those green depths - along with a deeper emotion that Jane could not identify.

"Especially that."

She could not help it. A tear slipped down her cheek, the silent trembling of her countenance doing nothing to gain his mercy - or at least, from what she could see. Her teacher's eyes snapped toward the single tear, watching as it fell from her cheek and onto the wood floor. His expression was indiscernible.

"Five minute water break!" he projected into the room, then his eyes fixed on her again. "You will see me after class, Miss..."

"Jane Keller."

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