Part 2

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The scientist was thrilled that the commandoes had captured Donatello unharmed. He took some blood and tissue samples and ran some tests on him while he was asleep. Eventually, he would get another turtle and compare DNA tests. Surely, when Don had been mutated, his DNA had been completely altered.

Don was only on the restraining table long enough for those tests to be done. Then the scientist ordered him to be taken to an empty room.

This one was the smart one and he would have to be watched carefully.

Donatello was taken to a good-sized room where he was put on the floor and they left him alone for now. He would be observed to see what he did. Of course, the man knew his main objective would be to find a way out, but he wanted to see what he would be like once he knew he couldn't get out of his room. They made sure that door was securely locked on the way out.

When Don came to, he rubbed his head, waiting for his vision to focus. He wondered how long he had been out.

"Where am I?" He asked as he looked around.

He found he was in a big, white room. It was devoid of all furniture. Don got up and checked himself over. He saw some spots on his arms and legs where there were small cuts. Obviously, some tissues had been taken.

'Great. I'm a lab specimen.' Don thought to himself.

He went to the wall and began testing it for weaknesses. He also tried the door when he got to it. But everything held strong. He remembered he had been taken by commandoes, and now he was in the dreadful hands of Bishop!

Don knew that Bishop had plans to start an army to defend the planet from aliens. He would not aid him in any way voluntarily to start that army.

When Don couldn't find any weak spots, he went to the back wall and sat down. He wrapped his arms around himself and pulled his legs up close to his body. What was going to become of him? What would become of his family? He knew they would find him and get him out of this. He just hoped he hadn't been taken far away from New York. It would be too hard for the others to locate him without the tracker in his phone.

Then he remembered that if he was captured, surely Raph was too and he had to be here somewhere. He would get to see his brother soon. He didn't want to be here alone.

Raph couldn't believe that he hadn't been taken with Don and felt guilty that he couldn't protect him. As unappealing as the idea of being experimented on was, he would gladly give himself up to protect his younger brother.

Trying to find any trace of their smart brother had turned up nothing. The brothers needed their smart brother. It would be difficult to go on living without him. They would make sure they would find him and soon. They wouldn't let Bishop harm him.

April and Leatherhead even stepped in to try to look up on any signs on where to find Bishop.

This scientist was still working for Bishop, but he had his own place to hold Don, or any of the others if he wished to get them. He knew he would want one of the others soon, especially the blue masked one. Then an idea occurred to him. He could hold their brother up for a ransom when it was time. Until then, he wanted to see what Don was capable of.

In his cell, Donny felt so alone and scared. After going to that dreadful dimension, he feared for his brothers living without him. He knew what would happen and he didn't want to see that future come to pass. He had to get out of here at any cost. But that would all depend on what they planned on doing with him. A fleeting chance to escape could come at any moment. He had to stay alert and be ready to escape when the moment presented itself.

Don valued his mind and body the way it was. He hoped Bishop wasn't going to do something stupid to him, like he was sure he was going to do. But he also hoped he wouldn't harm Raph. He knew that harming his brother would make him surrender a lot more easily.

For three days, the scientist watched Don from a hidden camera.

Don had tried several times to find a way out of the room, even pounding and pushing on the door. His yells were never answered.

The turtle hadn't had a thing to eat or drink in three days either. He was severely hungry and thirsty. He tried to keep his mouth wet. Don could go awhile without eating, but he was in desperate need of something to drink. He knew he would die of dehydration if he didn't get some water soon.

There wasn't much to do in this plain, boring white room. His mind wandered to his family. He hoped they had found him and that they were on their way. It was even hard for sleep to claim him, trying to sleep on the cold, hard floor.

Suddenly, Don heard a sound and there was a little door that opened up close to the door. He looked up and saw something slip through the little door. He saw there was a glass on the shelf there.

Don got up and went over to the shelf. He saw it was a glass of water. Finally! But he knew to be cautious.

He carefully picked up the glass. He examined it carefully. He looked at it under the light and smelled it. It smelled fine and had no discoloration. He finally deemed it ok and slowly drank the water. He only drank it halfway down, as he didn't know when he might get more.

The water had indeed been quite fresh and cold. Don could feel the water make contact with his stomach. He set the glass down not too far from himself and just went back to thinking about a plan to get out of there and about his family.

Even for the three days that Don was missing felt like torture for his family. They wanted him back already.

Driven by guilt, Raph was beating on his punching bag continuously. There were a few times he had gotten close to taking punches at both Leo and Mikey when they tried to get him to stop.

"We will get him back, Raph." Leo attempted to soothe.

"And Bishop's gonna pay if he's harmed Donny." Raph growled.

They didn't want to think about that, but they did make sure they had plenty of first aid supplies in case he was hurt when they found him.

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