Part 23

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Leo and Raph managed to make it to April's basement. They both at times had had to fight off commandoes and even had to resort to swimming to get away from those maniacs. By the time they got upstairs, Leonardo was completely exhausted.

He was breathing hard and holding his stomach. Raph knocked on April's door and she let them in. She saw Leo and said in alarm, "Leo, what's wrong?"

"We were attacked by commandoes at our home!" Raph answered for his tired brother. "Now we just need a place to rest. We lost the commandoes, don't worry."

"They just better not come here, Raphael. My husband and I don't need to lose our home as well." April scolded.

Casey came upstairs from the store. He was in shock when he saw the condition of the two turtles.

"What happened?"

"Bishop's cronies attacked and destroyed our home." Raph said.

"What's wrong with Leo?" Casey asked.

"He's exhausted. Just hope nothin's wrong." Raph said.

Then Casey said, "Raph, you're bleedin!"

Raph looked down at where Casey was pointing, and saw blood running down his left leg from a cut on his thigh. "Was neva' even aware of it."

"Let's get that cleaned up." April said. "But first," She went over to Leo. "Are you ok, Leo?"

"I'll be ok once I catch my breath again, April. Watch out for the others, they might come here too, or go to Leatherhead's."

"I will." She said. Then she turned to Raph. She led him into the bathroom and got the first aid kit out.

April managed to stop the bleeding, stitched it up, as it had been a deep cut, and bandaged it up. Raph had put on a brave face the whole time while the needle had been going through his skin. He might have not have felt it as much with all the adrenaline in his system at the moment.

When they left the bathroom, they found Leo asleep on the couch.

"The poor guy just passed out." Casey said.

"Who could blame him. He shouldn't have been in that situation in his condition." April said.

They let him sleep while they all sat down and talked. Soon, the adrenaline did wear off and Raph began to feel the pain from the cut, though he had no idea what he cut himself on, but stuff happens in a big fight like that and trying to help his big brother in a hurry to get away.

Don, Mikey, and Splinter all went to Leatherhead's home. He hated to hear that Bishop was at it again. He would do anything to destroy their lives. Then Leatherhead checked them all over for serious injuries. They were all ok aside from a lot of bruises.

"Have you seen Leonardo?" Leatherhead asked.

"No. We had hoped he and Raph had made it here, but they might have gone to April's too." Don said.

"Here, use my phone to call her." The croc advised.

Don used the shell cell and called April's.

April picked up. "Hello?"

"April? It's Don. Have you seen or heard from Leo and Raph? We are here at Leatherhead's."

"Yes. They are here."

"They made it to April's." Don said to the others then talked to April again. "Are they alright?"

"Leo is exhausted, and Raph hurt one of his legs in the skirmish."

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